6 Aug 2020

Shri Krishna Speaks: I and Mine

Shri Krishna Speaks: I and Mine
*|| जय श्री कृष्ण ||*🌷🙏*
*॥ श्रीमद्‍भगवद्‍गीता ॥ 15.5॥*

_निर्मानमोहा जितसङ्गदोषाअध्यात्मनित्या विनिवृत्तकामाः ।_
_द्वन्द्वैर्विमुक्ताः सुखदुःखसञ्ज्ञैर्गच्छन्त्यमूढाः पदमव्ययं तत्‌॥_

*भावार्थ :* 
जो मनुष्य मान-प्रतिष्ठा और मोह से मुक्त है तथा जिसने सांसारिक विषयों में लिप्त मनुष्यों की संगति को त्याग दिया है, जो निरन्तर परमात्म स्वरूप में स्थित रहता है, जिसकी सांसारिक कामनाएँ पूर्ण रूप से समाप्त हो चुकी है और जिसका सुख-दुःख नाम का भेद समाप्त हो गया है ऎसा मोह से मुक्त हुआ मनुष्य उस अविनाशी परम-पद (परम-धाम) को प्राप्त करता हैं। (५)

Free from pride and delusion, with the defect of attachment conquered, always dwelling in the self, liberated from the pairs of opposites known as joy and sorrow, ignorance-free individuals attain that imperishable goal.

If one has to seek refuge in Ishvara, per the previous shloka, what should be the qualifications of such a seeker? This complex and elaborate topic has been very nicely packed into one shloka by Shri Krishna. The first qualification of a seeker is the absence, or at least, reduction of the sense of I and mine. Candidates who are interviewing for a new position frequently pass off an entire team’s effort as their own. It is very easy to spot the inflated sense of pride in them. And even if they spent a few minutes contributing to a project, they still have the notion that it is their project, nobody else's. Shri Krishna says that this I and mine notion, this pride and delusion has to go away in a seeker.
Once the I and mine notion has diminished to some extent, the seeker has to focus on where is he stuck, where is his attachment in this world. Some may be attached to their profession, some may be attached to their family, some may be perversely attached to their enemies also. But, if we slowly unwind the attachments towards their source, we will find that the seeker is attached to his body. The attachment to the body, and the consequent fear of death, is the toughest attachment for the seeker to tackle. A certain level of dispassion towards the body, accomplished through control of the mind and senses, is a prerequisite to worship of Ishvara. When this happens, desires that are a by product of attachment, also diminish.
So, two qualifications are covered so far: absence of I and mine notion, and conquering one’s attachments. Only then will we be able to focus on the main goal, which is daily absorption in the self, adhyaatma nitya. But how do we remain in this state constantly? By being vigilant of labelling the two pairs of opposites - likes and dislikes, joy and sorrow, praise and censure and so on and so forth. Even a whiff of wind on either side of a tightrope walker is sufficient to bring him down. Likes and dislikes have the ability to distract us from our goal. We should not pay too much attention to them, just observe them silently as they come and go. This is forbearance or titkshaa. This will enable us to completely remove ignorance of the true nature of our self, and to reach the abode of Ishvara, described in the next shloka.

*Continuously Chant The mantra you have faith in ||*🌹

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