26 Aug 2020

Krishna Loves You: Improve divine qualities

Using bitter and taunting language is harshness at the speech level. Pointing out someone’s faults in front of everyone is harshness at the speech level.

|| जय श्री कृष्ण ||
॥ श्रीमद्‍भगवद्‍गीता ॥ 16.4॥
_दम्भो दर्पोऽभिमानश्च क्रोधः पारुष्यमेव च ।_
_अज्ञानं चाभिजातस्य पार्थ सम्पदमासुरीम्॥_
भावार्थ :
हे पृथापुत्र! पाखण्ड, घमण्ड, अभिमान, क्रोध, निष्ठुरता और अज्ञानता यह सभी आसुरी स्वभाव (गुण) को लेकर उत्पन्न हुए मनुष्य के लक्षण हैं। (४)
Ostentation, arrogance, exaggerated self-worth, and anger, insolence and also ignorance, these are found in one who has obtained devilish qualities, O Paartha.


 Having supplied a long list of divine qualities, Shri Krishna begins listing the aasuri sampatti, the devilish or diabolical qualities. Asuras are portrayed as fearsome demons with long teeth and horns in comic books and TV shows. But the word asura means one who places sense enjoyment as his highest goals. Any ordinary looking human being can be an asura, if he constantly dwells in sense pleasures.


Projecting an image of ourselves to be larger, to be different than what we really are dambaha. There are people who portray themselves to be smarter, wiser and accomplished than they really are. Or, there are others who cover up their misdeeds by portraying themselves as god-fearing and so on. Broadly speaking, such people try to change what they have through cover-up rather than work hard and perform actions that will give them better results.


Darpa refers to arrogance and pride over our possessions, and the subsequent putting down of others who may not have what we have. These people not only hurt others by their insults, they hurt themselves as well. Instead of weakening their notions of me and mine, which become obstacles to spiritual growth, such people strengthen them. Krodha refers to anger. Specifically, it is the thought that gives a kind of satisfaction after having yelled at someone who has wronged us, instead of the thought that wants to solve a concern, or to help that other person.


Next, Shri Krishna mentions paarushyam, which means insolence or harshness, as a diabolical quality. Harshness can occur at the body and speech level. Elbowing our way to the front of a crowded line is harshness at the body level. Using bitter and taunting language is harshness at the speech level. Pointing out someone’s faults in front of everyone is harshness at the speech level.


The primary devilish quality is that of ajnyaanam or ignorance. From a day to day standpoint, not knowing which action is right versus which action is to be avoided, this is ignorance. Chasing momentary pleasures in the material world without regard to actions and consequences constitutes ignorances. From an absolute standpoint, it is the ignorance of our true nature as existence, awareness and joy that is the fundamental devilish quality.


Chant the mantra you have faith in

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