5 Aug 2020

Krishna Speaks: Come straight to Me

Krishna Speaks: Come straight to Me
*|| जय श्री कृष्ण ||*🌷🙏*
*॥ श्रीमद्‍भगवद्‍गीता ॥ 15.4॥*

_ततः पदं तत्परिमार्गितव्यं यस्मिन्गता न निवर्तन्ति भूयः ।_
_तमेव चाद्यं पुरुषं प्रपद्ये यतः प्रवृत्तिः प्रसृता पुराणी॥_

*भावार्थ :* 
वैराग्य रूपी हथियार से काटने के बाद मनुष्य को उस परम-लक्ष्य (परमात्मा) के मार्ग की खोज करनी चाहिये, जिस मार्ग पर पहुँचा हुआ मनुष्य इस संसार में फिर कभी वापस नही लौटता है, फिर मनुष्य को उस परमात्मा के शरणागत हो जाना चाहिये, जिस परमात्मा से इस आदि-रहित संसार रूपी वृक्ष की उत्पत्ति और विस्तार होता है। (४)

Then that goal should be sought, having attained which, none return again. I seek refuge in that original Purusha from which has sprung this ancient sprout.

A family of tourists is driving around in a new city without the help of a map or a GPS device. A left turn here, a right turn there, and they are utterly lost. The wife asks the husband to stop the car and ask a shopkeeper for directions. The husband says no, and continues driving in circles for an hour. The wife yells at the husband who finally agrees to ask a shopkeeper for directions. This is an all too common occurrence. Unless the ego is surrendered, even material knowledge is far from reach.
Shri Krishna says : All of you are thoroughly lost in the cycle of action and reaction, the tree of samsaara. So take refuge in me. I am the original Purusha, the root from which this tree of samsaara has sprung up. I have created this universe like a magician creates his illusion. Don’t get lost in the branches of the tree which are fueled by the three gunas of Prakriti. Come straight to the source, which is me. I am giving you a hand to save you from drowning in samsaara. Hold it tightly and do not let it go. This is the meaning of the word prapatti, which had also come up in the seventh chapter.
This prapatti, this seeking of refuge in Ishvara will help us cultivate dispassion towards samsaara. But this dispassion will not come overnight, it will come gradually. First, karma yoga has to be practised as prescribed by Shri Krishna. We should reduce selfish actions, increase selfless actions, then drop our attitude of doership. We cannot have it both ways - we cannot love Ishvara and love the material world at the same time. If we cannot control our mind and senses, we have yet to cultivate real devotion for Ishvara. Devotion, coupled with dispassion towards the world, will result in our liberation, the goal from which we will not have to return back to the material world.
*Continuously Chant The mantra you have faith in ||*🌹

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