Agriculture Profile of the State Agro-Climate Condition Bihar with a geographical area of about 94.2 thousand square km is divided by river Ganges into two parts, the north Bihar with an area of 53.3 thousand square km and the south Bihar having an area of 40.9 thousand square km. Based on soil characterization, rainfall, temperature and terrain, four main agro-climatic zones in Bihar have been identified. These are: Zone-I, North Alluvial Plain, ZoneII, north East Alluvial Plain, Zone-III A South East Alluvial Plain and Zone-III B, South West Alluvial Plain, each with its own unique prospects. Agro climatic zone I and II is located south of the river Ganges whereas the Zone III is located south of the river Ganges. Zone I is situated in the north western part of the state whereas zone II is located in the north eastern part. Zone I and II are flood prone whereas zone III is drought prone. Potential wise all three agro climatic zones have vast untapped potential for increasing the productivity of food grain crops. Across the state soil texture is varies from sandy loam to heavy clay. However the majority type belongs to loam category which is good for crop cultivation. The natural precipitation varies from 990 to 1700 mm. Most of the precipitation is received during the month of July to September. Soil PH varies from 6.5 to 8.4. There are three crop seasons- Kharif, Rabi and Zaid. Rice, wheat and pulses are grown in all the districts however the choice of the crop and crop rotation varies across the agro climatic zone. Being located between 25 to 27 degree North latitude the climate of Bihar is of mostly sub-tropical. Nevertheless region close to Tropic of Cancer experiences tropical climate during summer. Like all the Indian states Bihar also reels under hot summer season during months of March to May. Average temperature is 35-40 degree Celsius throughout the summer months. April and June are the hottest months of the year. December to January is the winter season in Bihar because of its location is Northern hemisphere. The winter in Bihar is mild with average temperature being 5 to 10 degree Celsius. Bihar gets its maximum rainfall during South-West monsoon season which prevails from June to September. The average rainfall of Bihar is around 120 cm. As far as soil resources are concerned Bihar has three types of soil: montane, alluvium and marshy/swampy soil of Tarai. The detailed description about the agro climatic zone is as follows. Table 1: Name of the districts under each Agro-Climatic Zone Sl. No. Agro-climatic zone Districts 1. Agro- climatic zone I (Northern West) West Champaran, East Champaran, Siwan, Saran, Sitamarhi, Sheohar, Muzaffarpur, Vaishali, Madhubani, Darbhanga, Samastipur, Gopalganj, Begusarai 2. Agro-climatic Zone II (Northern East) Purnea, Katihar, Saharsa, Supaul, Madhepura, Khagaria, Araria, Kishanganj. 3. Agro-climatic zone IIIA (Southern East) Sheikhpura, Munger, Jamui, Lakhisarai, Bhagalpur & Banka. 4. Agro-climatic zone IIIB (Southern West) Rohtas, Bhojpur, Buxar, Bhabhua, Arwal, Patna, Nalanda, Nawada, Jehanabad, Aurangabad, Gaya. Table 2: Important Physiographic features of the Agro-climatic Zone Sl. No. Agro-climatic zone Soil pH Total Rainfall (mm) Temperature ( 0 C) Max. Min. 1. Agro- climatic zone I (Northern West) Sandy loam, loam 6.5 – 8.4 1040 – 1450 (1245.00) 36.6 7.7 2. Agro-climatic Zone II (Northern East) Sandy loam, Clay loam 6.5 – 7.8 1200 – 1700 ( 1450.00) 33.8 8.8 3. Agro-climatic zone III (Southern East & West) Sandy loam, Clay loam, loam, Clay 6.8 – 8.0 990 – 1240 (1115.00) 37.1 7.8 General Climatic Features In general climate of the state is characterized by three distinct seasons, i.e. cool- day winter, hot-day summer and warm wet rainy season. Cool- day season extends from October to February with fairly low temperature varying between 70 C and 16 0 C, very little rain, clear sky and relatively low humidity. Hot dry Season spreads over March to Mid June with temperatures rising upto 44/450 C with low humidity. Warm-wet season is the period of monsoon from mid-June to September. During this period temperatures range from 240 C to 350 C with cloudy sky and high humidity. The average annual rainfall varies from 1100 to 1250 mm. The daily temperature comes down to 7-80 C in December – January in north Bihar plains. Since rainfall distribution is dictated by climate and vegetation, the rainfed areas are constrained in their choice of crops, technology and resultant levels of productivity. On an average, the plain region of Bihar records a mean annual total rainfall of 1297 mm which is distributed in the monsoon, autumn, winter and summer seasons as 1039, 32, 110 and 58 mm, respectively. Zone wise agro- climatic situation of Bihar plains enunciates that agro-climatic zone II records the highest rainfall (1381.9mm) followed by zone I (1344.35mm) and zone III receives the least rainfall (1165.45mm). Rainfall during the monsoon varies from the lowest of 935.55mm in zone III to the highest of 1105.9 mm in zone II and a moderate rainfall of 1077.3 mm in zone I. During the autumn months (October-November), zones I, II and III receive the rains of 35.15 (zone I), 28.7 (zone II) and 31.95mm (zone III). Summer season receives 1102, 135.0 and 86.00 mm in agro-climatic zones I, II and III, respectively. Physiography and Soil (a) Agro- Climatic Zone I: The lands of this zone which are alluvial plains are sloppy towards the south east direction with a very low gradient as evidenced by the direction in which the rivers flow. However, the rivers move eastward direction along the natural levee before they finally meet the Ganga. As a result, there are vast waterlogged areas in the districts of Saran, Vaishali and Samastipur. Due to near flatness of the landscape, vast area gets flooded during rains. The north – eastern portion of this zone, the “Don hills valleys” is glacial hills and valleys. Except for the northern portion and portion in the west of the zone under the influence of Adhwara system of rivers, the entire zone is under the influence of rivers like Gandak, Burhi Gandak and Ghaghra, all of which originate in the lime rich foothills of the Himalayas. Thus, the soil under the influence of Gandak, Burhi Gandak and Ghaghra are mostly calcareous having different amounts of lime in them. The soils of Siwan and Gopalganj districts with less rainfall and more pronounced dry seasons have developed salinity as well as alkalinity. Similarly, the soil of nearly flat lands of East and West Champaran, Muzaffarpur and also salt affected. The soils of the northern part not under the influence of the above rivers are neutral, acidic or saline depending on the micro – relief and local physiography. This zone has the following six broad soil association groups: i. Sub – Himalayan and forest soils ii. Recent alluvial tarai soils iii. Young alluvial calcareous soils iv. Young alluvial calcareous saline soils v. Young alluvial non – calcareous, non saline soils, and vi. Recent alluvial calcareous soils As all the rivers and rivulets originate in the high Himalayas, dominated by mechanical weathering of rocks, the soils are mostly light to medium light textured except those away from the direct influence of the rivers. The upland soils are well drained to moderately well drained. The medium low lands and the low lands soils, although of good to moderate permeability, have become some what poorly drained due to high water table in the areas. The soils are moderately rich to poor in nitrogen (especially in Gopalganj and Siwan districts), moderate to very low in available phosphorus and medium to high in available potash. The soils are showing symptoms of deficiency of zinc and iron mostly induced by high available calcium. (b) Agro- Climatic Zone II: This zone, the alluvial plains of Kosi, Mahananda and its tributes and Ganga (a narrow strip in the south) is slightly undulating to rolling landscape mixed with long stretches of nearly flat landscape with pockets of areas having sub – normal relief. The area is full of streams with abandoned dead channels of Kosi river, which becomes notorious for its frequent and sudden change of courses forming small lakes and shallow marshes. In the south, in between the natural levees of Ganga, on the one hand and Kosi and Mahananda on the other, there are vas areas which remain waterlogged for a considerable part of the year. The general slope of the land is towards south east and the rivers on reaching Ganga moves eastward for a long distance before they meet river Ganga. Unlike the rivers Gandak and Ghaghra, Kosi and Mahananda originate and have catchments in Himalayan region, which are not calcareous but rich in acidic minerals. As a result, the soils of this zone are non calcareous, accumulation of sodium salts and sodium adsorption has taken place in areas where the drainage is poor. Salinity and alkalinity are, however, on an increase in Saharsa and western part of Purnea and Katihar districts. As both Kosi and Mahananda carry a tremendous load of sediments, the soil are mostly light textured except in backwaters of river Ganga and Kosi. Three broad soil association groups have been identified in this zone are: 1. Recent alluvial tarai soil 2. Recent alluvial non calcareous soil, and 3. Recent alluvial calcareous soil. The soils are very light to medium textured except for those in between the natural levees of Ganga and Kosi and Mahananda and away from the influence of running water of the rivers. Even the heavy textured soils under the influence of Kosi and Mahananda have sandy substratum below 40 to 100 cm depths. The soils are mostly moderately acidic to neutral. Very acidic soils are found in northeast parts with heavy rainfall and high permeability. The soils are excessively drained to poorly drained mainly depending on local physiography and depth of water table. With the introduction of irrigation without providing adequate drainage ways, the water table is rising and water logged areas and saline patches are increasing. The soils are very poor to poor in nitrogen especially with the very light textured soils, very poor to medium in available phosphorus and potash. Deficiencies of zinc and boron and toxicity of manganese have been recognized in these areas. (c) Agro-Climatic Zone III: This zone is the alluvial plains of river Ganga on its southern side and the sediments are received both from river Ganga and those flowing from the south having their origins in the Chotanagpur Plateau, which rise abruptly from the plains. The land’s slope is towards north east with gentle slope gradient and moderate to low gradient. In the south of the natural levee of the Ganga, there is vast stretch of backwaters known as “Tal” lands extending from Buxar to Pirpaity, where most of the rivers and rivulets coming from the south get lost. The flood plains of Ganga, which get reworked and get eroded and deposited at regular intervals, are lighter than “Tal” lands and are known locally as Diara lands. The river originating from the Chotanagpur plateau brings a lot of fine sediments. The coarser sediments that they bring are either deposited in their beds or on their banks and as a consequence, the soils are mostly medium to heavy textured throughout the depth of the profiled. There are no marshy lands in this zone. The main broad soil association groups recognized in this zone are : 1. Recent alluvial calcareous soils 2. Tal land soils, light grey, dark grey medium to heavy textured soils 3. Old alluvial reddish yellow, yellowish grey centenary soils. 4. Old alluvial grey, grayish yellow, heavy texture soils with cracking nature, 5. Recent alluvial yellowish to reddish yellow non calcareous non saline soils. 6. Old alluvial yellowish to red yellow soils of foot hills, and 7. Old alluvial saline and saline alkali soils. The soils of this zone except that of ‘Diara’ area and ‘Tal’ lands are moderately well drained to somewhat poorly drained, moderately acidic to slightly alkaline and medium textured to heavy textured soils. The soils of paddy lands have developed impervious layer of varying thickness and imperviousness varies from simple semi developed somewhat porous clay pans to practically very hard impervious thick layers with slickenside. The soils are poor to moderate in nitrogen and poor to moderately rich in available phosphorus and potash. The soils of medium low to low lands are comparatively more fertile. The soils of ‘Tal’ lands are highly clayey throughout their depths, grey to dark grey in colour, neutral to slightly alkaline in reaction. These soils are moderately rich in nitrogen, available P and K and very hard under normal conditions. The Diara land soils with their undulating landscapes are generally very light to medium heavy textured but all underlain by sandy layers within 80 to 100 cm of their surface and very well drained to moderately well drained, neutral to slightly alkaline in reaction. Their fertility status varies widely from poor to very fertile depending upon their physiographic positions but all are under moisture stress due to the occurrence of sandy substratum. Land Utilization Pattern Out of total geographical area, 57.12 lakh hectare is under cultivation which is around 60 per cent of the total. The detail land use classification of the state is depicted in table 3. 23.58 lakh hectare area is put to cultivation more than once in a year. Therefore the Gross cropped area is 78.82 lakh hectares. The cropping intensity is 138 percent (table 4). Table 3: Land Use Classification Sl. No. Category Area in Lakh hect. i. Forest 6.21 ii. Barren & non-cultivatable land 4.36 iii. Land put to non-agriculture uses 16.44 iv. Culturable Waste land 0.45 v. Permanent pasture 0.18 vi. Area under misc. Crops 2.38 vii. Other fallow (2 to 5 years) 1.30 viii. Current fallow 5.13 ix. Net area sown 57.12 Table 4: Cropping Intensity (138%) Sl. No. Category Area in Lakh hect. i. Gross cropped area 78.82 ii. Area sown more than once 21.70 Distribution of Operational Holdings There are around 1.04 crore landholdings in the State of which around 83 percent are marginal holdings of size less than 1 hectare (Table 5). With around 90 percent of the total population living in rural areas, agriculture as the primary feeder of rural economy continues to operate not only on margins of land but also on the margins of human enterprise. Without increasing returns to these margins, not much can be done realistically to develop the agricultural sector. Thus, agriculture continues to define both the potentialities and constraints to development in Bihar. Table 5: Distribution of Holdings by Size Class Category of farmers No. of Holdings Operational holding (In Ha.) Marginal (0-1Ha.) 86,45,932 (82.9%) 27,87,789 (40.8%) Small (1-2 Ha.) 10,05,650 (9.6%) 13,00,667 (19.0%) Semi medium (2-4 Ha.) 5,90,970 (5.7%) 15,82,279 (23.1%) Medium (4-10 Ha.) 1,78,295 (1.7%) 9,75,355 (14.3%) Large (10-above Ha.) 11,570 (0.1%) 1,93,760 (2.8%) Total 1,04,32,417 (100%) 68,39,850 (100%) Source : Agricultural Census Division, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi Irrigation Out of the Gross cropped area of 78.82 lakh ha. area under assured irrigation is about 45.60 lakh hectares. Tube well is the major source of irrigation which irrigates 63 percent (28.3lakh hectare) of the area under assured irrigation. Area under canal irrigation is 13.7 lakh hectares (30 percent). Districtwise/ sourcewise/ zonewise details of area under assured irrigation is given in table 6. Table 6: Zonal Classification of total irrigated area through different sources. (Unit in hect.) Name of District Canal Tube well Other sources Total irrigated Area Zone I Darbhanga - 95736 6351 102087 E. Champaran 794 154450 411 155655 Gopalganj 50672 54027 2990 107689 Madhubani - 41113 97438 138551 Muzaffarpur - 130164 - 130164 Samastipur - 112387 - 112387 Saran 2414 115231 61 117706 Sheohar - 12652 - 12652 Sitamarhi 1491 63661 6530 71682 Name of District Canal Tube well Other sources Total irrigated Area Siwan 6314 93353 7595 107262 Vaishali - 65655 11891 77546 W. Champaran 128686 42971 5026 176683 Zone total 190371 981400 138293 1310064 14.53 74.91 10.56 100.00 Zone II Araria - 110962 - 110962 Begusarai - 89416 1673 91089 Katihar - 129408 - 129408 Khagaria - 76748 6645 83393 Kishanganj - 50535 - 50535 Madhepura 32795 92954 7375 133124 Purnea 11729 158775 - 170504 Saharsa 5527 84562 4894 94983 Supaul 67352 73678 1084 142114 Zone total 117403 867038 21671 1006112 11.67 86.18 2.15 100.00 Zone III A Banka 90062 23893 1743 115698 Bhagalpur 4297 57797 16270 78364 Jamui 1040 30439 5536 37015 Lakhisarai 2185 41107 7488 50780 Munger 13314 24550 4070 41934 Sheikhpura 23951 525 28947 53423 Zone total 134849 178311 64054 377214 35.75 47.27 16.98 100.00 Zone III B Arwal 28712 18034 1385 48131 Aurangabad 142664 65794 15743 224201 Bhojpur 40781 135775 11538 188094 Buxar 44421 66410 3079 113910 Gaya 232303 - 2787 235090 Name of District Canal Tube well Other sources Total irrigated Area Jehanabad 596 57839 8771 67206 Kaimur 98493 54414 13630 166537 Nalanda 9442 164270 19576 193288 Nawada 13944 108831 3783 126558 Patna 51115 121049 7431 179595 Rohtas 262570 36037 32227 330834 Zone total 925041 828453 119950 1873444 49.38 44.22 6.40 100.00 Grand total 1367664 2855202 343968 4566834 29.95 62.52 7.53 100.00 Agriculture & Allied Sector Agriculture Cropping Pattern Cropping pattern in dominated by cereals. Rice-wheat cropping system occupies more than 70% of the gross cropped area. Pulses occupy around 7 percent of the gross cropped area. The important cropping sequence of different zones is: Zone – I : Rice – Wheat, Rice – Rai, Rice – Sweet Potato, Rice – Maize (Rabi), Maize – Wheat, Maize – Sweet Potato, Maize – Rai, Rice – Lentil, Rice-linseed Zone – II : Jute – Wheat, Jute – Potato, Jute – Kalai, Jute – Mustard, Rice – Wheat – Moong, Rice – Toria Zone – III : Rice – Wheat, Rice – Gram, Rice – Lentil, Rice – Rai Trend in Food grain production The growth trend for food grain production has not been commensurate to the potential of the state. Food grain production growth rate has been less than 1% during the last decade. There were two successive poor crop years during 2004-05 and 2005-06 with food grain production has been restricted to about 80 lakh MT. The food grain production during 2007-08 was around 117 lakh MT. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Area (Lakh Ha.) Rice Wheat Total Maize Total Pulses Total Oilseeds Name of the crop Area under different crops 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 (Last est.) Productivity trend of different crops 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 (Last est.) Year Kg./Ha. Rice Wheat Total Maize Total Pulses Total Oilseeds Agriculture in the state is prone to natural calamity. Whereas the North Bihar districts are affected by the recurrent flood the south Bihar districts are prone to lack of rainfall. The coverage under rice, wheat, total maize and oilseeds crop is estimated to increase about 9.6, 6.7, 2.0 and less than 1 per cent respectively in 2008-09 from 2004-05, while the area under total pulses decrease to about 10 per cent (Graph1). However, the productivity trend shows a positive slope over the same period (Graph 2). The zone wise area, production and productivity of food gains, total oilseeds and sugarcane in year 2007-08 is given in table 7.The productivity of rice is about national average in old Sahabad districts, which falls under Zone-IIIB, while the productivity of wheat is almost at same level in Zone-I and Zone- III B. About 50 per cent area under maize crop is in Zone-II and West Champaran and Gopalganj district of Zone-I cover about 80 per cent of total sugarcane area of the state. In case of pulses, gram and lentil are extensively grown in Zone-III with about 67 and 55 per cent respectively area of these crops falls under this zone. Moong is predominately grown in all the three season in Zone I and II while about 87 per cent area of Arhar crop in Zone I and III. Table 7: Area, Production and Yield of major crops during 2007-08. (A- Ha., P- M.T., Y- Kg) Name of Districts Rice Wheat Total Maize A P Y A P Y A P Y Zone-I Darbhanga 79468 26573 334 73899 196297 2656 13481 425533 3155 E.Champaran 213670 56039 262 105060 302999 2884 18677 53655 2873 Gopalganj 81770 72197 883 81749 153561 1878 15076 19222 1215 Madhubani 180440 91318 506 89408 167254 1871 702 5772 3391 Muzaffarpur 159665 12703 80 100927 259634 2592 20299 40739 1997 Samastipur 69261 16024 231 51533 132059 2563 44667 144683 3239 Saran 82174 120354 1466 93092 239175 2569 25316 31785 1256 Sheohar 23512 8736 372 16758 26110 1558 1452 2079 1432 Sitamarhi 103650 54785 529 65714 119808 1823 6215 16344 2630 Siwan 112341 115153 1025 97587 247485 2536 20365 26933 1323 Vaishali 57367 27855 486 44156 123213 2790 33604 55320 1944 W.Champaran 172604 93679 543 835735 263300 3150 16286 69252 4552 Zone total 1335922 695416 560 1655618 2230895 2406 216140 891317 2417 Zone-II Araria 136166 61467 451 55008 75670 1376 22561 84801 3750 Begusarai 27640 4741 172 56752 134783 2875 65356 80800 1236 Katihar 106095 92791 875 35838 58549 1643 43195 136939 3170 Khagaria 25582 8761 342 34101 71745 2098 56609 226817 4007 Kishanganj 93187 79084 849 22037 22502 1021 1445 3937 2725 Madhepura 84874 117222 1381 41435 70102 1692 41882 166207 3968 Purnia 116786 112316 962 44813 69310 1547 41350 131346 3176 Saharsa 85896 78172 910 42814 87215 2037 31869 132385 4180 Supaul 109128 149286 1368 51248 100033 1952 13642 33499 2456 Zone total 785354 703840 812 384046 689909 1805 317909 996731 3185 Zone-III A Banka 100545 245501 2442 31905 79917 2501 16341 40929 2505 Bhagalpur 41510 47182 1126 34964 72345 2069 42651 94033 2205 Jamui 43795 77089 1760 13801 23632 1712 4548 15860 3487 Lakhisarai 37238 92040 2472 28098 82590 2939 6497 6210 956 Munger 13507 52444 1665 18746 43750 2334 6433 11412 1774 Sheikhpura 32229 51413 1595 20793 43487 2091 667 689 1033 Zone total 268824 565669 1843 148307 345721 2274 77137 169133 1993 Zone-III B Arwal 33474 58484 1747 10052 24041 2175 781 1795 2298 Aurangabad 169057 417893 2472 64344 123856 1925 509 642 1261 Bhojpur 108575 244961 2256 76896 239002 3108 4894 7783 1590 Buxar 86540 236338 2731 82686 247538 2994 3971 4090 1181 Gaya 163607 350890 2145 59211 149714 2528 5834 10159 1732 Jahanabad 52708 95915 320 28081 67911 2418 1120 2696 2407 Kaimur 133142 320853 2410 64891 119590 1843 380 201 529 Nalanda 90207 92369 1024 85691 171738 2004 7530 15373 2042 Nawada 74970 147343 1965 51655 130193 2520 2339 5642 2349 Patna 86036 78749 915 60188 142779 2372 14886 19865 1334 Rohtas 165849 409454 2469 141145 367652 2605 94 41 436 Zone total 1164165 2453249 1859 724840 1784014 2408 42338 68287 1560 Grand total 3554265 4418174 1269 2161497 5050539 2337 654772 1752537 2677 Name of Districts Gram Lentil Total Moong A P Y A P Y A P Y Zone-I Darbhanga 75 73 973 3745 2419 646 6883 4168 606 E.Champaran 130 126 969 8296 6604 796 1702 969 569 Gopalganj 43 42 977 177 140 791 1244 846 680 Madhubani 7 7 1000 7372 4526 614 8876 3863 435 Muzaffarpur 0 0 0 1694 1262 745 25595 16611 649 Samastipur 120 117 975 1675 945 564 10787 11622 1077 Saran 1129 1099 973 435 346 793 2733 1505 551 Sheohar 0 0 0 690 543 787 254 150 591 Sitamarhi 0 0 0 5623 4425 787 1406 2592 588 Siwan 171 166 971 212 168 792 1376 573 416 Vaishali 110 107 973 525 413 787 13333 6355 477 W.Champaran 115 112 974 16516 12998 787 386 256 663 Zone total 1900 1849 732 46960 34789 741 74575 49510 609 Zone-II Araria 552 601 1089 3350 1605 479 9303 7455 801 Begusarai 41 41 1000 900 832 924 823 556 676 Katihar 154 168 1091 1645 806 490 4062 2154 530 Khagaria 128 127 992 604 629 1041 1572 1074 683 Kishanganj 321 349 1087 1051 548 521 6198 5016 809 Madhepura 40 39 975 1082 704 651 15704 8461 539 Purnia 82 89 1085 2108 1450 688 8881 8645 973 Saharsa 0 0 0 931 573 615 18336 9040 493 Supaul 32 31 969 1474 893 606 22118 19824 896 Zone total 1350 1445 921 13145 8040 668 86997 62225 711 Zone-III A Banka 508 422 831 2638 1818 689 2165 1726 797 Bhagalpur 12198 9331 765 3170 2095 661 859 578 673 Jamui 1200 631 526 506 200 395 275 165 600 Lakhisarai 3194 3043 953 4986 5076 1018 0 0 0 Munger 860 1010 1174 804 754 938 224 134 598 Sheikhpura 1603 2129 1328 4163 3730 896 0 0 0 Zone total 19563 16566 930 16267 13673 766 3523 2603 445 Zone-III B Arwal 760 672 882 2794 2210 897 85 67 788 Aurangabad 6814 7325 6075 14082 10998 784 36 28 778 Bhojpur 4696 6654 1417 10082 9467 939 199 140 704 Buxar 2158 2443 1132 5587 6257 1120 59 39 661 Gaya 4433 4207 919 4611 2509 761 1190 851 715 Jahanabad 1854 1946 1049 4059 3731 897 83 59 711 Kaimur 7383 5364 718 4751 3587 755 55 32 582 Nalanda 5219 5751 1102 12370 7410 599 283 179 633 Nawada 2200 1709 777 2720 2043 751 1533 1066 695 Patna 6408 6863 1071 19753 17560 889 70 47 671 Rohtas 4043 4233 1047 5331 5683 1066 130 77 592 Zone total 45968 47167 1472 86140 71455 860 3723 2585 685 Grand total 68781 66932 973 162612 128956 793 171818 116923 681 Name of Districts Arhar Total Pulses Total Foodgrains A P Y A P Y A P Y Zone-I Darbhanga 354 347 980 12558 8056 642 181253 274339 1514 E.Champaran 1412 932 660 12880 9730 755 350906 423023 1206 Gopalganj 1345 1391 1034 3341 2929 877 182480 248442 1361 Madhubani 173 183 1058 19988 11163 558 294384 276665 940 Muzaffarpur 390 405 1038 29302 19653 671 310789 333099 1072 Samastipur 1807 1941 1074 16382 16138 985 181954 309038 1698 Saran 1176 955 812 6345 4674 737 214294 403925 1885 Sheohar 26 21 808 1195 908 760 42931 37840 881 Sitamarhi 610 487 798 14183 10559 724 191269 202755 1060 Siwan 1661 1668 914 4637 3550 766 236438 399436 1668 Vaishali 1108 986 890 15773 8402 533 151817 225524 1485 W.Champaran 8899 7101 798 28860 23111 801 301766 449752 1490 Zone total 18961 16417 905 165444 118873 734 2640281 3583838 1355 Zone-II Araria 335 384 1146 21933 16494 752 236561 238806 1009 Begusarai 1054 1378 1307 5954 5540 930 156301 226396 1448 Katihar 25 29 1160 11923 7960 668 198416 297398 1499 Khagaria 181 194 1072 7761 6606 851 125137 314574 2514 Kishanganj 65 74 1138 10081 7866 780 127391 113912 894 Madhepura 37 37 1000 20926 12472 596 189781 366592 1932 Purnia 121 139 1149 13712 12271 895 217084 325547 1500 Saharsa 2 2 1000 22805 12514 549 184558 311523 1688 Supaul 0 0 0 28500 24460 858 204763 308541 1507 Zone total 1820 2237 997 143595 106183 764 1639992 2503289 1555 Zone-III A Banka 1293 2276 1760 9998 9159 916 160303 376537 2349 Bhagalpur 747 1315 1760 29598 24042 812 151028 239003 1583 Jamui 354 132 373 3009 1751 582 65694 118954 1811 Lakhisarai 200 214 1070 11875 11745 989 83708 192585 2301 Munger 121 130 1074 3334 3222 952 60082 110842 1845 Sheikhpura 81 87 1074 10551 10887 1032 64337 106591 1657 Zone total 2796 4154 1185 68365 60806 881 585152 1144512 1924 Zone-III B Arwal 207 255 1100 6998 6065 867 52484 90555 1726 Aurangabad 1268 1349 1072 38167 35112 920 273373 578918 2118 Bhojpur 1747 1427 817 22623 26844 972 221762 523312 2360 Buxar 703 1002 1425 14316 15451 1079 191567 509538 2660 Gaya 2190 3011 1375 16628 14403 881 246606 526458 2136 Jahanabad 200 296 1475 11646 10208 877 94296 176817 1875 Kaimur 1362 1077 791 18586 13301 716 217640 454766 2090 Nalanda 402 654 1627 23905 21255 889 207655 301164 1450 Nawada 985 684 694 9706 7468 769 139128 290967 2091 Patna 198 134 677 44777 43695 976 206786 286213 1384 Rohtas 1469 2068 1408 17813 17506 983 325820 796089 2443 Zone total 10731 11957 1133 225165 211308 903 2177117 4534797 2030 Grand total 34298 34647 1010 607519 497170 818 7042441 11761436 1670 Name of Districts Mustard Total Oilseed Sugarcane A P Y A P Y A P Y Zone-I Darbhanga 2000 1492 746 2283 1776 778 659 11731 17801 E.Champaran 1635 453 277 2788 1594 509 6621 238612 36039 Gopalganj 2449 2574 1051 2478 2599 1049 23361 757369 32420 Madhubani 1195 1189 995 1995 1879 942 195 6981 35800 Muzaffarpur 3599 4502 1251 3910 4780 1223 1409 50480 35827 Samastipur 6061 7273 1200 6881 7948 1155 2278 37525 16473 Saran 2772 3069 1107 2841 3435 1103 312 9726 31170 Sheohar 241 183 759 485 388 800 1916 68645 35827 Sitamarhi 1055 1032 978 1571 1465 933 2413 86562 35873 Siwan 2092 2000 1004 2245 2233 995 3197 3969 32521 Vaishali 2584 1933 750 2634 2018 752 135 4837 35830 W.Champaran 16593 17029 1026 17880 18155 1017 55354 2117879 38261 Zone total 42276 42729 929 47991 48270 938 97850 3394316 31987 Zone-II Araria 3163 2363 747 8189 8473 1035 5 166 33200 Begusarai 4229 3557 841 4430 3809 850 1905 3568 1873 Katihar 5489 3737 690 7591 6572 866 189 7660 40529 Khagaria 2899 5224 1802 3870 6566 1697 0 0 0 Kishanganj 2060 1957 950 5197 4792 922 86 2852 33163 Madhepura 1822 1438 789 7366 8032 1090 655 21725 33168 Purnia 3397 3625 1067 8242 9678 1174 0 0 0 Saharsa 986 577 585 1877 1484 791 58 2144 36966 Supaul 1328 1309 986 8599 9657 1123 0 0 0 Zone total 25373 23787 940 55361 59063 1061 2898 38115 19878 Zone-III A Banka 1201 789 657 2126 1548 728 1464 64600 44126 Bhagalpur 1887 2564 1359 3094 3860 1248 2341 104478 44630 Jamui 299 33 144 393 167 425 671 27745 41349 Lakhisarai 799 1015 1270 824 1039 1257 0 0 0 Munger 267 194 727 556 450 809 9 378 42000 Sheikhpura 470 424 902 710 620 873 42 168 4000 Zone total 4923 5019 843 7703 7684 890 4527 197369 29351 Zone-III B Arwal 219 539 2111 517 794 1539 99 3607 36384 Aurangabad 967 827 855 6632 5326 848 279 9800 85126 Bhojpur 1513 2008 1327 2144 2530 1180 250 9194 36776 Buxar 1275 901 707 2393 1855 775 572 29684 51895 Gaya 1193 490 411 3332 2298 690 892 32297 36207 Jahanabad 265 265 1039 519 424 636 304 11058 36863 Kaimur 1381 971 703 3894 3113 799 320 9691 27159 Nalanda 1114 1171 1051 1506 1490 989 171 7247 42380 Nawada 915 535 585 2000 1395 698 139 5031 36194 Patna 2171 927 427 2399 1171 488 257 8524 33167 Rohtas 2603 1200 461 4320 2642 612 0 0 0 Zone total 13616 9834 880 29656 23038 841 3283 126133 38377 Grand total 86172 81574 947 140731 137861 980 108558 3854925 35510 Horticulture Bihar has the opportunity to have varied types of agro climatic conditions, congenial for growing almost all the horticultural crops. Horticulture is growing popularity owing to the high value of horticulture produces than agriculture crops. However, there needs to be a grater impetus in boosting the irrigation resources of the state and in promoting horticulture in intensive mode in the state. According to the old and existing data, a brief analysis is made on the status of Horticulture in the state which is furnished below: Fruit Crops The major fruit crops grown in Bihar are Mango, Guava, Litchi, Banana, etc. apart from these major crops minor crops like. Makhana, Pineapple, Betelvine are also grown. The area of fruit crops in Bihar during 2005-06 was 291.61 thousand hectares which was increased to 307.52 thousand hectares in 2008-09. Similarly the production was also increased from 3068.4 25 thousand metric tonnes in 2005-06 to 3853.88 thousand metric tonnes in 2008-09, the productivity of fruit crops has also increased significantly in 2008-09 (13.2) as compared to 2005-06 (11.2). Almost all the districts of North Bihar particularly Muzaffarpur, East Champaran and Samastipur have good potentiality in respect of litchi cultivation. Similarly Makhana, a pioneer fruit of Bihar is also grown intensively in the districts of Darbhanga, Madhubani, Saharsa, Katihar, Araria and Purnea. Vegetables Almost all vegetable crops like solanaceous, cucurbits, beans, cole crops, okra, onion and other root crops are widely grown successfully in the state. The total area of vegetable crops was recorded 498.529 thousand hectare with the production of 7654.435 thousand metric tonnes (2005-06) which increased to 519.12 thousand hectare with the production of 8329.625 thousand metric tonnes (2008-09). The area, production and productivity were increased to 4.13 percent, 8.8 percent and 4.5 percent, respectively, comparing with the base line 2005-06. It is worth while to mention that the productivity of vegetable crops in very much comparable with the national average (16.1 MT/ha) during 2007-08. Spices Chilli, Turmeric, Coriander, Ginger, Garlic & Methi are the major spices grown in Bihar. The total area of spices was recorded 11.10 thousand hectare in 2006-07 which increased to 12.75 thousand hectare in 2008-09. The productivity was also increased from 1.10 MT/ha to 1.174 MT/ha during the said period. Flowers The major commercial flowers like Marigold, Rose, Tuberose Gladiolus and Jasmine are cultivated in Bihar. Though, it is in infancy stage of development, however, the total area was increased significantly from 297.35 ha (2006-07) to 337-84 ha (2008-09). Aromatic Plants The aromatic plants like Japanese Mint, Lemongrass, Pamaroja, J. citronella have been promoted by Horticulture Mission for commercial cultivation among farmers. The present area of aromatic plants in the state is 2600 ha which was only 2100 ha during 2006-07. Area and Production The area and production of fruits, vegetables, spices, flowers and aromatic crops from the year, 2005-06 to 2008-09 is given in table 8. Table 8: Area and Production of horticultural crops over the year. Area – '000ha, Production – '000MT. Sl. No. Particulars 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Area Prodn. Area Prodn. Area Prodn. Area Prodn. 1. Fruits 276.44 3068.42 279.41 3426.48 286.24 3252.37 291.50 3853.88 2. Vegetables 498.52 7656.43 501.31 7866.62 508.24 8048.09 519.12 8329.02 3. Spices NA NA 11.10 12.30 12.25 14.10 12.75 14.98 4. Flowers NA NA 0.297 NA 0.325 NA 0.337 NA 5. Aromatic Plants NA NA 2.10 NA 2.45 NA 2.60 NA The zone wise area and production of major fruits and vegetables is given in table 9 (A & B) and 10 (A & B). Zone I is hub of horticultural crops, more than 50 per cent of total fruit area of the state falls in this zone. The belt of River Gandak which is best suited for litchi cultivation is flow in this zone and about 80 per cent of total litchi grown in this part of the state. The area under mango and banana is about 56 and 57 per cent respectively in Zone-I. Pineapple is grown only in Zone-II. Similarly, Zone I grows about 40 per cent of total vegetable of the state. Area under important vegetables viz., tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, brinjal, okra etc, is more than 40 per cent in this zone. Out of total acreage of potato, about 39 and 31 per cent area in Zone I and Zone III B respectively, while 65 per cent of onion grown in these two zones. Table 9 A: Zone wise area under Major fruit crop during 2008-09 (In Ha) Name of District Mango Guava Litchi Lemon Banana Pine apple Papaya Aonla Others Total Darbhanga 12896 608 818 747 1751 46 28 1205 18099 E Champaran 9144 1642 1827 1603 897 35 46 1074 16268 Gopalganj 2947 584 1189 428 659 27 27 909 6770 Madhubani 5994 492 804 653 1022 33 24 1199 10221 Muzaffarpur 9652 1396 7229 666 4981 67 83 1134 25208 Samastipur 10436 606 1198 749 2008 91 86 1064 16238 Saran 5018 811 1068 542 735 29 36 1259 9498 Sheohar 2579 317 978 154 271 18 24 436 4777 Sitamarhi 5198 728 2136 289 617 28 38 697 9731 Siwan 2420 672 1097 531 702 31 29 1236 6718 Vaishali 8238 1289 3546 604 3168 102 70 1032 18049 W Champaran 7138 1594 1998 1615 932 46 58 1188 14569 Zone I total 81660 10739 23888 8581 17743 553 549 12433 156146 Araria 626 194 398 272 426 261 37 33 481 2728 Begusarai 4011 508 598 404 923 72 68 999 7583 Katihar 2736 444 1486 307 966 205 58 44 1036 7282 Khagaria 1629 372 323 235 828 26 17 634 4064 Kishanganj 741 231 403 270 633 1749 41 29 782 4879 Madhepura 1923 628 278 494 1288 379 47 36 715 5788 Purnea 2409 375 1249 417 942 1631 57 61 908 8049 Saharsa 2481 649 537 602 1086 468 51 37 861 6772 Supaul 1207 433 188 282 593 16 15 383 3117 Zone II total 17763 3834 5460 3283 7685 4693 405 340 6799 50262 Banka 6198 309 56 469 648 16 18 584 8298 Bhagalpur 7329 687 504 937 1126 61 38 1003 11685 Jamui 1028 221 171 185 214 13 20 438 2290 Lakhisarai 531 134 49 75 141 19 15 155 1119 Munger 1194 268 242 202 412 38 21 385 2762 Sheikhpura 798 137 96 85 134 15 12 211 1488 Zone III A total 17078 1756 1118 1953 2675 162 124 2776 27642 Arwal 284 226 132 110 18 16 299 1085 Aurangabad 1225 667 484 318 33 26 846 3599 Bhojpur 4532 1872 416 314 26 35 952 8147 Buxar 3319 1488 315 218 23 34 534 5931 Gaya 1262 651 376 226 23 39 965 3542 Jehanabad 289 248 184 156 22 18 424 1341 Kaimur 3305 1357 262 210 21 54 435 5644 Nalanda 2790 1459 403 442 29 24 1215 6362 Nawada 1094 506 431 308 32 18 842 3231 Patna 3834 1078 566 588 58 25 1456 7605 Rohtas 5639 3204 355 281 24 81 586 10170 Zone III B total 27573 12756 3924 3171 309 370 8554 56657 Grand Total 144074 29085 30466 17741 31274 4693 1429 1383 30562 290707 Table 9 B: Zone wise production of Major fruit crop during 2008-09 (In M.T.) Name of District Mango Guava Litchi Lemon Banana Pine apple Papaya Aonla Others Total Darbhnaga 114025 4980 5768 5577 74362 1098 260 11156 217226 E Champaran 85579 1676 13169 11923 41203 840 437 9950 164777 Gopalganj 27139 4856 8085 2982 28193 621 232 8160 80268 Madhubani 54486 4296 5749 4863 44373 792 226 11220 126005 Muzaffarpur 90304 11528 54322 4962 219284 1692 806 10616 393514 Samastipur 98638 5450 9064 5742 92488 2356 851 9858 224447 Saran 44157 6524 2476 3802 31211 638 299 11653 100760 Sheohar 22937 2769 6748 1024 11665 396 202 3950 49691 Sitamarhi 45723 5747 15345 1981 26528 644 362 6552 102882 Siwan 22038 5467 7679 3723 29885 682 238 11441 81153 Vaishali 77977 11316 26916 4502 145863 2880 745 9783 279982 W Champaran 67637 13431 14945 12497 43272 1156 568 11118 164624 Zone I total 750640 78040 170266 63578 788327 13795 5226 115457 1985329 Araria 6049 1873 2746 1912 17927 6238 829 290 4255 42119 Begusarai 37441 4554 4266 2970 41840 1867 677 8961 102576 Katihar 25164 3868 10808 2172 42817 4858 1334 396 9187 100604 Khagaria 15364 3262 2318 1639 37214 546 151 5649 66143 Kishanganj 7135 2116 2781 1871 26706 46022 927 249 6561 94368 Madhepura 17807 5070 1946 3506 57307 9399 1081 346 6576 103038 Purnea 22221 3285 8828 2986 39684 41220 1474 549 7878 128125 Saharsha 22621 5357 3719 4295 47469 11747 1198 327 7733 104466 Supaul 11122 3564 1316 1930 25619 336 138 3517 47542 Zone II total 164924 32949 38728 23281 336583 119484 9592 3123 60317 788981 Banka 56919 2708 358 3276 26234 304 157 5092 95048 Bhagalpur 68700 5993 3691 7021 48538 1342 371 9397 145053 Jamui 9792 1995 1157 1251 8637 208 168 3836 27044 Lakhisarai 5173 1378 338 448 6127 399 142 1496 15501 Munger 11524 2396 1727 1415 18001 896 191 3535 39685 Sheikhpura 7363 1374 653 495 5426 315 98 1948 17672 Zone III A total 159471 15844 7924 13906 112963 3464 1127 25304 340003 Arwal 2999 2145 850 4784 414 161 2791 14144 Aurangabad 11565 5363 3288 12776 709 244 7684 41629 Bhojpur 40422 14962 2978 13434 589 294 8638 81317 Buxar 29375 11668 2199 9363 501 278 4769 58153 Gaya 11898 5438 2607 9250 483 363 9045 39084 Jehanabad 3014 2244 1206 6703 451 146 3886 17650 Kaimur 28923 10402 1682 8184 441 482 3637 53751 Nalanda 26429 11156 2882 20187 689 218 11005 72566 Nawada 9908 4003 3046 12933 730 153 7732 38505 Patna 37252 8984 4202 26932 1296 225 13611 92502 Rohtas 52983 25992 2385 11135 456 794 5461 99206 Zone III B total 254768 102357 27325 135681 6759 3358 78259 608507 Grand total 1329803 229190 216918 128090 1373554 119484 33610 12834 279337 3722820 Table 10 A: Zone wise area under Major vegetable crop during 2008-09 (In Ha) Name of Districts Potato Onion Tomato Cauli flower Cab bage Brinjal Okra Chilli Bottle gourd Total Darbhanga 7526 1076 1469 1584 1639 2422 1688 1376 1059 26172 E.Champaran 11366 2343 1758 1998 1561 1618 2654 1136 1378 31115 Gopalganj 11789 852 1474 1844 1041 1382 2189 1011 1126 25658 Madhubani 9996 1082 1254 2548 1443 1978 1558 1197 563 26151 Muzaffarpur 11603 2491 3544 3724 2728 2813 2668 1822 1709 40205 Samastipur 11763 1184 1736 2881 1768 2199 1736 1439 1058 31541 Saran 13126 924 1569 2044 992 1783 1999 1147 951 28324 Sheohar 4103 688 531 814 647 642 598 439 552 10754 Sitamarhi 6608 1293 1478 1292 953 1214 1084 726 1078 18785 Siwan 9894 861 1334 1561 863 1568 2004 1039 813 22729 Vaishali 12654 1689 3799 4872 2416 3054 3471 1646 1654 43360 W.Champaran 11904 2276 1957 2841 1564 1954 2652 1439 1497 33624 Zone I total 122332 16759 21903 28003 17615 22627 24301 14417 13438 338418 Araria 4362 1476 721 814 548 627 811 472 396 12595 Begusarai 7622 1935 1843 1819 1052 2653 2267 1408 994 26705 Katihar 7115 3778 1399 2823 1823 1754 1732 1881 1319 30742 Khagaria 5315 756 1081 1209 686 1403 1529 964 522 16411 Kishanganj 5809 1356 822 842 563 561 827 572 468 14229 Madhepura 6859 942 1147 1744 1483 1569 1098 693 846 21440 Purnea 6645 1751 904 1917 1103 1104 1248 1388 987 22682 Saharsha 7378 601 1155 1717 944 1311 1158 737 1104 21255 Supaul 5802 348 504 634 448 609 751 376 237 12101 Zone II total 56907 12943 9576 13519 8650 11591 11421 8491 6873 178160 Banka 6249 718 599 682 419 812 912 514 403 12811 Bhagalpur 8127 1573 1619 1492 1184 1596 2087 948 1137 24336 Jamui 3315 732 393 402 381 578 696 862 336 8920 Lakhisarai 3004 299 222 239 227 183 333 378 283 6288 Munger 6897 966 668 714 532 718 1048 1109 534 15835 Sheikhpura 5368 1019 221 204 194 292 308 663 251 9247 Zone III A total 32960 5307 3722 3733 2937 4179 5384 4474 2944 77437 Arwal 2767 397 422 409 342 424 457 294 436 7005 Aurangabad 5722 1069 1536 1311 716 1099 1776 691 639 16743 Bhojpur 8218 1162 1038 1091 727 1074 1554 637 694 18908 Buxar 4908 869 737 662 487 676 1059 461 666 12375 Gaya 10324 1414 896 1897 918 1642 1771 1394 1094 24944 Jehanabad 3516 496 741 511 383 638 568 376 457 8841 Kaimur 4085 849 572 717 416 684 845 393 386 10247 Nalanda 26864 5802 1869 3042 1722 6471 2843 3791 873 58995 Nawada 5511 938 743 1272 721 1202 1863 828 714 15867 Patna 15886 2454 1828 3627 2108 1842 2937 2564 926 39499 Rohtas 10332 1155 803 1178 592 968 1397 612 478 19433 Zone III B total 98133 16605 11185 15717 9132 16720 17070 12041 7363 232857 Grand total 310332 51614 46386 60972 38334 55117 58176 39423 30618 826872 Table 10 B: Zone wise production of Major vegetable crop during 2008-09 (In M.T.) Name of Districts Potato Onion Tomato Cauli flower Cab bage Brinjal Okra Chilli Bottle gourd Total Darbhanga 118468 19076 32314 26834 28076 51333 21251 14018 22145 410135 E.Champaran 185576 43288 41076 34554 28295 35582 34484 13567 28886 511792 Gopalganj 190113 15640 32423 31859 18519 30184 27563 11739 23532 417905 Madhubani 159246 19725 28630 43924 24993 43196 19924 13815 11259 420705 Muzaffarpur 190599 47037 83220 65504 50080 61513 34933 22301 35771 680792 Samastipur 193823 21967 41260 50871 31532 50168 23418 18127 22230 532381 Saran 207701 16710 33553 34746 17543 37914 25569 13243 19624 452484 Sheohar 66779 12161 12184 13101 11143 13183 7038 4537 10160 170867 Sitamarhi 107360 23629 33693 21295 16658 26693 13424 7839 20059 309033 Siwan 157625 15723 29104 26750 15246 34026 25834 12176 16972 368036 Vaishali 212897 32475 90706 89234 44823 68881 47188 20283 34627 743171 W.Champaran 196726 42497 46084 50159 28663 43459 34988 17552 31661 563235 Zone I total 1986913 309928 504247 488831 315571 496132 315614 169197 276926 5580536 Araria 68357 25390 14133 13101 8982 12635 9957 4900 7669 192246 Begusarai 124386 35699 42328 31603 18505 59389 30360 17167 20502 445848 Katihar 116285 68468 31907 48427 31241 38357 23018 21151 27395 489689 Khagaria 83756 13467 24288 20505 11753 30636 18942 9926 10821 259348 Kishanganj 91511 23574 16237 13735 9343 1579 10237 6057 9116 208852 Madhepura 108674 16463 23918 28880 24503 32165 13355 7054 17144 328133 Purnea 106630 31576 19455 31795 18637 22993 15707 15809 20552 352700 Saharsha 118358 10706 26162 29121 15933 28002 15036 7962 22746 332118 Supaul 90821 5833 10521 9987 7232 12407 8994 3618 4917 180478 Zone II total 908778 231176 208949 227154 146129 238163 145606 93644 140862 2789412 Banka 99044 12345 12510 10910 7008 15737 10561 5259 7599 197877 Bhagalpur 133593 28809 36879 25401 21197 34785 26487 11084 23191 396951 Jamui 51361 12445 7836 6182 6286 11222 8125 8500 6373 131794 Lakhisarai 49275 5210 5263 3700 3835 4424 4178 4017 6054 97219 Munger 110662 17289 15654 12013 9248 16123 13396 13460 10797 250187 Sheikhpura 89419 19273 4843 2894 3241 5844 3678 7200 4792 149065 Zone III A total 533354 95371 82985 61100 50815 88135 66425 49520 58806 1223093 Arwal 45135 7172 9743 6542 5973 9799 5831 3118 9031 114811 Aurangabad 89001 18522 29474 20827 12343 21682 21649 7447 12748 259603 Bhojpur 134263 21786 24164 19009 13407 24314 20495 7479 14659 310317 Buxar 79820 16045 17094 11240 8846 15343 13537 5240 13810 201881 Gaya 163429 24029 17493 30700 15114 33968 20880 14763 20135 379489 Jehanabad 56918 8934 16592 8174 6626 13997 7138 3994 9181 144993 Kaimur 62811 13462 10815 11061 6624 12509 9277 3874 7172 151638 Nalanda 457598 118069 43651 54953 33292 148010 38931 46716 18557 1030655 Nawada 86282 16404 14630 20704 12286 24030 21965 8816 14504 243172 Patna 267795 46825 41968 64875 40359 42141 40513 30476 19855 661958 Rohtas 161489 18881 15386 18673 9594 17895 15628 6318 8971 294190 Zone IIIB total 1604541 310129 241010 266758 164464 363688 215844 138241 148623 3792707 Grand Total 5033586 946604 1037191 1043843 676979 1186118 743489 450602 625217 13385748 Livestock Population The state farming system is characterized by large number of livestock. In the present era of fast rising population and progressive decrease in holding size, Animal Husbandry has a special role to play for economic sustainability of the majority of the people. Livestock plays a subsidiary role in the farm as far as food production is concerned, though their role in absorbing the huge quantities of crop residues, coarse grains, cereals by-products and farm left-over and returning valuable manure to the soil to sustain their fertility for generations is significant. Livestock in general and dairying in particular is emerging as a driving force in the growth of agricultural sector in Bihar. The zone wise Livestock wealth of the state (table 11) shows that the population of indigenous cattle is about 57.40 per cent of the total bovine, wherein cross bred cattle and buffalo shares nearly 7.74 and 34.87 per cent respectively. This indicates that the majority of population prefers the indigenous cattle. As regards poultry, apart from backyard poultry production by the small farmer, commercial poultry has not yet taken off. Table 11: Zone wise Livestock population Particulars Zone-I Zone-II Zone-III State total Cross bred cattle 539573 281134 453545 1274252 Desi Cattle 2826252 2719420 3909193 9454865 Total cattle 3365825 3000554 4362738 10729117 Buffalo 2130182 1076687 2536178 5743047 Bovine 5496007 4077241 6898916 16472164 Goats 3323600 2915198 3251032 9489830 Sheep 94759 16168 271309 382236 Pigs 125038 98739 448604 672381 Poultry 4096458 5085370 4729951 13911379 (Source: Livestock census 2003) Dairy Milk is the most important livestock product at 50 percent of total livestock output. Milk sector contributed around 70% of the total livestock sector. Bihar’s livestock wealth is around 5.6 percent of total national livestock population. In 2005-06, total production of milk was estimated to be 5060 thousand tons, which amounted to 5.2% of the national milk production and the State ranked tenth in the country despite the fact that it is endowed with good natural resources like water and very fertile Gangetic alluvial land, implying low productivity of animals. Per capita availability of milk in Bihar during 2005-06 was 1541 gms per day against a national average of 241 gms per day. The Indian Council of Medical Research has recommended the minimum requirement of 2202 Fisheries Development gms of milk per person per day indicating a shortage of around 66 gms per capita. Of the total milk production (138.0 lakh kgs per day as per 2005-06 estimates), the cooperative sector handled around 8% of the marketable surplus available. Rest of it was traded mainly by the un-organised sector. But huge potential exists in this sector, which is yet to be exploited. The compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of milk handled by the cooperative sector is around 13%. The State has vast resources for Fisheries Development. It includes about 69,000 hectare ponds and tanks, 9,000 ha ox-bow lakes, 7,200 ha reservoirs, 3,200 Km rivers and about 1,00,000 ha reverine, flood wetlands and water logged area. Fisheries sector in Bihar has made a great strides during the last decades with the production level increasing from 1.95 lakh tones in 1994-95 to 2.67 lakh tones in 2004-05 registering an average annual increase of 3.26 per cent. The production increases to 3.06 lakh tones in 2008-09. The annual fish demand of the State is nearly 4.56 lakh tones. 1 Annual Report of Dept. of AH & Dairying, Min. of Agriculture for 2005-06, GOI; pp 8,28 2 Dairy India 2007, Sixth edition, pp 27
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8 May 2017
Agriculture Profile of the State
Agriculture Profile of the State Agro-Climate Condition Bihar with a geographical area of about 94.2 thousand square km is divided by river Ganges into two parts, the north Bihar with an area of 53.3 thousand square km and the south Bihar having an area of 40.9 thousand square km. Based on soil characterization, rainfall, temperature and terrain, four main agro-climatic zones in Bihar have been identified. These are: Zone-I, North Alluvial Plain, ZoneII, north East Alluvial Plain, Zone-III A South East Alluvial Plain and Zone-III B, South West Alluvial Plain, each with its own unique prospects. Agro climatic zone I and II is located south of the river Ganges whereas the Zone III is located south of the river Ganges. Zone I is situated in the north western part of the state whereas zone II is located in the north eastern part. Zone I and II are flood prone whereas zone III is drought prone. Potential wise all three agro climatic zones have vast untapped potential for increasing the productivity of food grain crops. Across the state soil texture is varies from sandy loam to heavy clay. However the majority type belongs to loam category which is good for crop cultivation. The natural precipitation varies from 990 to 1700 mm. Most of the precipitation is received during the month of July to September. Soil PH varies from 6.5 to 8.4. There are three crop seasons- Kharif, Rabi and Zaid. Rice, wheat and pulses are grown in all the districts however the choice of the crop and crop rotation varies across the agro climatic zone. Being located between 25 to 27 degree North latitude the climate of Bihar is of mostly sub-tropical. Nevertheless region close to Tropic of Cancer experiences tropical climate during summer. Like all the Indian states Bihar also reels under hot summer season during months of March to May. Average temperature is 35-40 degree Celsius throughout the summer months. April and June are the hottest months of the year. December to January is the winter season in Bihar because of its location is Northern hemisphere. The winter in Bihar is mild with average temperature being 5 to 10 degree Celsius. Bihar gets its maximum rainfall during South-West monsoon season which prevails from June to September. The average rainfall of Bihar is around 120 cm. As far as soil resources are concerned Bihar has three types of soil: montane, alluvium and marshy/swampy soil of Tarai. The detailed description about the agro climatic zone is as follows. Table 1: Name of the districts under each Agro-Climatic Zone Sl. No. Agro-climatic zone Districts 1. Agro- climatic zone I (Northern West) West Champaran, East Champaran, Siwan, Saran, Sitamarhi, Sheohar, Muzaffarpur, Vaishali, Madhubani, Darbhanga, Samastipur, Gopalganj, Begusarai 2. Agro-climatic Zone II (Northern East) Purnea, Katihar, Saharsa, Supaul, Madhepura, Khagaria, Araria, Kishanganj. 3. Agro-climatic zone IIIA (Southern East) Sheikhpura, Munger, Jamui, Lakhisarai, Bhagalpur & Banka. 4. Agro-climatic zone IIIB (Southern West) Rohtas, Bhojpur, Buxar, Bhabhua, Arwal, Patna, Nalanda, Nawada, Jehanabad, Aurangabad, Gaya. Table 2: Important Physiographic features of the Agro-climatic Zone Sl. No. Agro-climatic zone Soil pH Total Rainfall (mm) Temperature ( 0 C) Max. Min. 1. Agro- climatic zone I (Northern West) Sandy loam, loam 6.5 – 8.4 1040 – 1450 (1245.00) 36.6 7.7 2. Agro-climatic Zone II (Northern East) Sandy loam, Clay loam 6.5 – 7.8 1200 – 1700 ( 1450.00) 33.8 8.8 3. Agro-climatic zone III (Southern East & West) Sandy loam, Clay loam, loam, Clay 6.8 – 8.0 990 – 1240 (1115.00) 37.1 7.8 General Climatic Features In general climate of the state is characterized by three distinct seasons, i.e. cool- day winter, hot-day summer and warm wet rainy season. Cool- day season extends from October to February with fairly low temperature varying between 70 C and 16 0 C, very little rain, clear sky and relatively low humidity. Hot dry Season spreads over March to Mid June with temperatures rising upto 44/450 C with low humidity. Warm-wet season is the period of monsoon from mid-June to September. During this period temperatures range from 240 C to 350 C with cloudy sky and high humidity. The average annual rainfall varies from 1100 to 1250 mm. The daily temperature comes down to 7-80 C in December – January in north Bihar plains. Since rainfall distribution is dictated by climate and vegetation, the rainfed areas are constrained in their choice of crops, technology and resultant levels of productivity. On an average, the plain region of Bihar records a mean annual total rainfall of 1297 mm which is distributed in the monsoon, autumn, winter and summer seasons as 1039, 32, 110 and 58 mm, respectively. Zone wise agro- climatic situation of Bihar plains enunciates that agro-climatic zone II records the highest rainfall (1381.9mm) followed by zone I (1344.35mm) and zone III receives the least rainfall (1165.45mm). Rainfall during the monsoon varies from the lowest of 935.55mm in zone III to the highest of 1105.9 mm in zone II and a moderate rainfall of 1077.3 mm in zone I. During the autumn months (October-November), zones I, II and III receive the rains of 35.15 (zone I), 28.7 (zone II) and 31.95mm (zone III). Summer season receives 1102, 135.0 and 86.00 mm in agro-climatic zones I, II and III, respectively. Physiography and Soil (a) Agro- Climatic Zone I: The lands of this zone which are alluvial plains are sloppy towards the south east direction with a very low gradient as evidenced by the direction in which the rivers flow. However, the rivers move eastward direction along the natural levee before they finally meet the Ganga. As a result, there are vast waterlogged areas in the districts of Saran, Vaishali and Samastipur. Due to near flatness of the landscape, vast area gets flooded during rains. The north – eastern portion of this zone, the “Don hills valleys” is glacial hills and valleys. Except for the northern portion and portion in the west of the zone under the influence of Adhwara system of rivers, the entire zone is under the influence of rivers like Gandak, Burhi Gandak and Ghaghra, all of which originate in the lime rich foothills of the Himalayas. Thus, the soil under the influence of Gandak, Burhi Gandak and Ghaghra are mostly calcareous having different amounts of lime in them. The soils of Siwan and Gopalganj districts with less rainfall and more pronounced dry seasons have developed salinity as well as alkalinity. Similarly, the soil of nearly flat lands of East and West Champaran, Muzaffarpur and also salt affected. The soils of the northern part not under the influence of the above rivers are neutral, acidic or saline depending on the micro – relief and local physiography. This zone has the following six broad soil association groups: i. Sub – Himalayan and forest soils ii. Recent alluvial tarai soils iii. Young alluvial calcareous soils iv. Young alluvial calcareous saline soils v. Young alluvial non – calcareous, non saline soils, and vi. Recent alluvial calcareous soils As all the rivers and rivulets originate in the high Himalayas, dominated by mechanical weathering of rocks, the soils are mostly light to medium light textured except those away from the direct influence of the rivers. The upland soils are well drained to moderately well drained. The medium low lands and the low lands soils, although of good to moderate permeability, have become some what poorly drained due to high water table in the areas. The soils are moderately rich to poor in nitrogen (especially in Gopalganj and Siwan districts), moderate to very low in available phosphorus and medium to high in available potash. The soils are showing symptoms of deficiency of zinc and iron mostly induced by high available calcium. (b) Agro- Climatic Zone II: This zone, the alluvial plains of Kosi, Mahananda and its tributes and Ganga (a narrow strip in the south) is slightly undulating to rolling landscape mixed with long stretches of nearly flat landscape with pockets of areas having sub – normal relief. The area is full of streams with abandoned dead channels of Kosi river, which becomes notorious for its frequent and sudden change of courses forming small lakes and shallow marshes. In the south, in between the natural levees of Ganga, on the one hand and Kosi and Mahananda on the other, there are vas areas which remain waterlogged for a considerable part of the year. The general slope of the land is towards south east and the rivers on reaching Ganga moves eastward for a long distance before they meet river Ganga. Unlike the rivers Gandak and Ghaghra, Kosi and Mahananda originate and have catchments in Himalayan region, which are not calcareous but rich in acidic minerals. As a result, the soils of this zone are non calcareous, accumulation of sodium salts and sodium adsorption has taken place in areas where the drainage is poor. Salinity and alkalinity are, however, on an increase in Saharsa and western part of Purnea and Katihar districts. As both Kosi and Mahananda carry a tremendous load of sediments, the soil are mostly light textured except in backwaters of river Ganga and Kosi. Three broad soil association groups have been identified in this zone are: 1. Recent alluvial tarai soil 2. Recent alluvial non calcareous soil, and 3. Recent alluvial calcareous soil. The soils are very light to medium textured except for those in between the natural levees of Ganga and Kosi and Mahananda and away from the influence of running water of the rivers. Even the heavy textured soils under the influence of Kosi and Mahananda have sandy substratum below 40 to 100 cm depths. The soils are mostly moderately acidic to neutral. Very acidic soils are found in northeast parts with heavy rainfall and high permeability. The soils are excessively drained to poorly drained mainly depending on local physiography and depth of water table. With the introduction of irrigation without providing adequate drainage ways, the water table is rising and water logged areas and saline patches are increasing. The soils are very poor to poor in nitrogen especially with the very light textured soils, very poor to medium in available phosphorus and potash. Deficiencies of zinc and boron and toxicity of manganese have been recognized in these areas. (c) Agro-Climatic Zone III: This zone is the alluvial plains of river Ganga on its southern side and the sediments are received both from river Ganga and those flowing from the south having their origins in the Chotanagpur Plateau, which rise abruptly from the plains. The land’s slope is towards north east with gentle slope gradient and moderate to low gradient. In the south of the natural levee of the Ganga, there is vast stretch of backwaters known as “Tal” lands extending from Buxar to Pirpaity, where most of the rivers and rivulets coming from the south get lost. The flood plains of Ganga, which get reworked and get eroded and deposited at regular intervals, are lighter than “Tal” lands and are known locally as Diara lands. The river originating from the Chotanagpur plateau brings a lot of fine sediments. The coarser sediments that they bring are either deposited in their beds or on their banks and as a consequence, the soils are mostly medium to heavy textured throughout the depth of the profiled. There are no marshy lands in this zone. The main broad soil association groups recognized in this zone are : 1. Recent alluvial calcareous soils 2. Tal land soils, light grey, dark grey medium to heavy textured soils 3. Old alluvial reddish yellow, yellowish grey centenary soils. 4. Old alluvial grey, grayish yellow, heavy texture soils with cracking nature, 5. Recent alluvial yellowish to reddish yellow non calcareous non saline soils. 6. Old alluvial yellowish to red yellow soils of foot hills, and 7. Old alluvial saline and saline alkali soils. The soils of this zone except that of ‘Diara’ area and ‘Tal’ lands are moderately well drained to somewhat poorly drained, moderately acidic to slightly alkaline and medium textured to heavy textured soils. The soils of paddy lands have developed impervious layer of varying thickness and imperviousness varies from simple semi developed somewhat porous clay pans to practically very hard impervious thick layers with slickenside. The soils are poor to moderate in nitrogen and poor to moderately rich in available phosphorus and potash. The soils of medium low to low lands are comparatively more fertile. The soils of ‘Tal’ lands are highly clayey throughout their depths, grey to dark grey in colour, neutral to slightly alkaline in reaction. These soils are moderately rich in nitrogen, available P and K and very hard under normal conditions. The Diara land soils with their undulating landscapes are generally very light to medium heavy textured but all underlain by sandy layers within 80 to 100 cm of their surface and very well drained to moderately well drained, neutral to slightly alkaline in reaction. Their fertility status varies widely from poor to very fertile depending upon their physiographic positions but all are under moisture stress due to the occurrence of sandy substratum. Land Utilization Pattern Out of total geographical area, 57.12 lakh hectare is under cultivation which is around 60 per cent of the total. The detail land use classification of the state is depicted in table 3. 23.58 lakh hectare area is put to cultivation more than once in a year. Therefore the Gross cropped area is 78.82 lakh hectares. The cropping intensity is 138 percent (table 4). Table 3: Land Use Classification Sl. No. Category Area in Lakh hect. i. Forest 6.21 ii. Barren & non-cultivatable land 4.36 iii. Land put to non-agriculture uses 16.44 iv. Culturable Waste land 0.45 v. Permanent pasture 0.18 vi. Area under misc. Crops 2.38 vii. Other fallow (2 to 5 years) 1.30 viii. Current fallow 5.13 ix. Net area sown 57.12 Table 4: Cropping Intensity (138%) Sl. No. Category Area in Lakh hect. i. Gross cropped area 78.82 ii. Area sown more than once 21.70 Distribution of Operational Holdings There are around 1.04 crore landholdings in the State of which around 83 percent are marginal holdings of size less than 1 hectare (Table 5). With around 90 percent of the total population living in rural areas, agriculture as the primary feeder of rural economy continues to operate not only on margins of land but also on the margins of human enterprise. Without increasing returns to these margins, not much can be done realistically to develop the agricultural sector. Thus, agriculture continues to define both the potentialities and constraints to development in Bihar. Table 5: Distribution of Holdings by Size Class Category of farmers No. of Holdings Operational holding (In Ha.) Marginal (0-1Ha.) 86,45,932 (82.9%) 27,87,789 (40.8%) Small (1-2 Ha.) 10,05,650 (9.6%) 13,00,667 (19.0%) Semi medium (2-4 Ha.) 5,90,970 (5.7%) 15,82,279 (23.1%) Medium (4-10 Ha.) 1,78,295 (1.7%) 9,75,355 (14.3%) Large (10-above Ha.) 11,570 (0.1%) 1,93,760 (2.8%) Total 1,04,32,417 (100%) 68,39,850 (100%) Source : Agricultural Census Division, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi Irrigation Out of the Gross cropped area of 78.82 lakh ha. area under assured irrigation is about 45.60 lakh hectares. Tube well is the major source of irrigation which irrigates 63 percent (28.3lakh hectare) of the area under assured irrigation. Area under canal irrigation is 13.7 lakh hectares (30 percent). Districtwise/ sourcewise/ zonewise details of area under assured irrigation is given in table 6. Table 6: Zonal Classification of total irrigated area through different sources. (Unit in hect.) Name of District Canal Tube well Other sources Total irrigated Area Zone I Darbhanga - 95736 6351 102087 E. Champaran 794 154450 411 155655 Gopalganj 50672 54027 2990 107689 Madhubani - 41113 97438 138551 Muzaffarpur - 130164 - 130164 Samastipur - 112387 - 112387 Saran 2414 115231 61 117706 Sheohar - 12652 - 12652 Sitamarhi 1491 63661 6530 71682 Name of District Canal Tube well Other sources Total irrigated Area Siwan 6314 93353 7595 107262 Vaishali - 65655 11891 77546 W. Champaran 128686 42971 5026 176683 Zone total 190371 981400 138293 1310064 14.53 74.91 10.56 100.00 Zone II Araria - 110962 - 110962 Begusarai - 89416 1673 91089 Katihar - 129408 - 129408 Khagaria - 76748 6645 83393 Kishanganj - 50535 - 50535 Madhepura 32795 92954 7375 133124 Purnea 11729 158775 - 170504 Saharsa 5527 84562 4894 94983 Supaul 67352 73678 1084 142114 Zone total 117403 867038 21671 1006112 11.67 86.18 2.15 100.00 Zone III A Banka 90062 23893 1743 115698 Bhagalpur 4297 57797 16270 78364 Jamui 1040 30439 5536 37015 Lakhisarai 2185 41107 7488 50780 Munger 13314 24550 4070 41934 Sheikhpura 23951 525 28947 53423 Zone total 134849 178311 64054 377214 35.75 47.27 16.98 100.00 Zone III B Arwal 28712 18034 1385 48131 Aurangabad 142664 65794 15743 224201 Bhojpur 40781 135775 11538 188094 Buxar 44421 66410 3079 113910 Gaya 232303 - 2787 235090 Name of District Canal Tube well Other sources Total irrigated Area Jehanabad 596 57839 8771 67206 Kaimur 98493 54414 13630 166537 Nalanda 9442 164270 19576 193288 Nawada 13944 108831 3783 126558 Patna 51115 121049 7431 179595 Rohtas 262570 36037 32227 330834 Zone total 925041 828453 119950 1873444 49.38 44.22 6.40 100.00 Grand total 1367664 2855202 343968 4566834 29.95 62.52 7.53 100.00 Agriculture & Allied Sector Agriculture Cropping Pattern Cropping pattern in dominated by cereals. Rice-wheat cropping system occupies more than 70% of the gross cropped area. Pulses occupy around 7 percent of the gross cropped area. The important cropping sequence of different zones is: Zone – I : Rice – Wheat, Rice – Rai, Rice – Sweet Potato, Rice – Maize (Rabi), Maize – Wheat, Maize – Sweet Potato, Maize – Rai, Rice – Lentil, Rice-linseed Zone – II : Jute – Wheat, Jute – Potato, Jute – Kalai, Jute – Mustard, Rice – Wheat – Moong, Rice – Toria Zone – III : Rice – Wheat, Rice – Gram, Rice – Lentil, Rice – Rai Trend in Food grain production The growth trend for food grain production has not been commensurate to the potential of the state. Food grain production growth rate has been less than 1% during the last decade. There were two successive poor crop years during 2004-05 and 2005-06 with food grain production has been restricted to about 80 lakh MT. The food grain production during 2007-08 was around 117 lakh MT. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Area (Lakh Ha.) Rice Wheat Total Maize Total Pulses Total Oilseeds Name of the crop Area under different crops 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 (Last est.) Productivity trend of different crops 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 (Last est.) Year Kg./Ha. Rice Wheat Total Maize Total Pulses Total Oilseeds Agriculture in the state is prone to natural calamity. Whereas the North Bihar districts are affected by the recurrent flood the south Bihar districts are prone to lack of rainfall. The coverage under rice, wheat, total maize and oilseeds crop is estimated to increase about 9.6, 6.7, 2.0 and less than 1 per cent respectively in 2008-09 from 2004-05, while the area under total pulses decrease to about 10 per cent (Graph1). However, the productivity trend shows a positive slope over the same period (Graph 2). The zone wise area, production and productivity of food gains, total oilseeds and sugarcane in year 2007-08 is given in table 7.The productivity of rice is about national average in old Sahabad districts, which falls under Zone-IIIB, while the productivity of wheat is almost at same level in Zone-I and Zone- III B. About 50 per cent area under maize crop is in Zone-II and West Champaran and Gopalganj district of Zone-I cover about 80 per cent of total sugarcane area of the state. In case of pulses, gram and lentil are extensively grown in Zone-III with about 67 and 55 per cent respectively area of these crops falls under this zone. Moong is predominately grown in all the three season in Zone I and II while about 87 per cent area of Arhar crop in Zone I and III. Table 7: Area, Production and Yield of major crops during 2007-08. (A- Ha., P- M.T., Y- Kg) Name of Districts Rice Wheat Total Maize A P Y A P Y A P Y Zone-I Darbhanga 79468 26573 334 73899 196297 2656 13481 425533 3155 E.Champaran 213670 56039 262 105060 302999 2884 18677 53655 2873 Gopalganj 81770 72197 883 81749 153561 1878 15076 19222 1215 Madhubani 180440 91318 506 89408 167254 1871 702 5772 3391 Muzaffarpur 159665 12703 80 100927 259634 2592 20299 40739 1997 Samastipur 69261 16024 231 51533 132059 2563 44667 144683 3239 Saran 82174 120354 1466 93092 239175 2569 25316 31785 1256 Sheohar 23512 8736 372 16758 26110 1558 1452 2079 1432 Sitamarhi 103650 54785 529 65714 119808 1823 6215 16344 2630 Siwan 112341 115153 1025 97587 247485 2536 20365 26933 1323 Vaishali 57367 27855 486 44156 123213 2790 33604 55320 1944 W.Champaran 172604 93679 543 835735 263300 3150 16286 69252 4552 Zone total 1335922 695416 560 1655618 2230895 2406 216140 891317 2417 Zone-II Araria 136166 61467 451 55008 75670 1376 22561 84801 3750 Begusarai 27640 4741 172 56752 134783 2875 65356 80800 1236 Katihar 106095 92791 875 35838 58549 1643 43195 136939 3170 Khagaria 25582 8761 342 34101 71745 2098 56609 226817 4007 Kishanganj 93187 79084 849 22037 22502 1021 1445 3937 2725 Madhepura 84874 117222 1381 41435 70102 1692 41882 166207 3968 Purnia 116786 112316 962 44813 69310 1547 41350 131346 3176 Saharsa 85896 78172 910 42814 87215 2037 31869 132385 4180 Supaul 109128 149286 1368 51248 100033 1952 13642 33499 2456 Zone total 785354 703840 812 384046 689909 1805 317909 996731 3185 Zone-III A Banka 100545 245501 2442 31905 79917 2501 16341 40929 2505 Bhagalpur 41510 47182 1126 34964 72345 2069 42651 94033 2205 Jamui 43795 77089 1760 13801 23632 1712 4548 15860 3487 Lakhisarai 37238 92040 2472 28098 82590 2939 6497 6210 956 Munger 13507 52444 1665 18746 43750 2334 6433 11412 1774 Sheikhpura 32229 51413 1595 20793 43487 2091 667 689 1033 Zone total 268824 565669 1843 148307 345721 2274 77137 169133 1993 Zone-III B Arwal 33474 58484 1747 10052 24041 2175 781 1795 2298 Aurangabad 169057 417893 2472 64344 123856 1925 509 642 1261 Bhojpur 108575 244961 2256 76896 239002 3108 4894 7783 1590 Buxar 86540 236338 2731 82686 247538 2994 3971 4090 1181 Gaya 163607 350890 2145 59211 149714 2528 5834 10159 1732 Jahanabad 52708 95915 320 28081 67911 2418 1120 2696 2407 Kaimur 133142 320853 2410 64891 119590 1843 380 201 529 Nalanda 90207 92369 1024 85691 171738 2004 7530 15373 2042 Nawada 74970 147343 1965 51655 130193 2520 2339 5642 2349 Patna 86036 78749 915 60188 142779 2372 14886 19865 1334 Rohtas 165849 409454 2469 141145 367652 2605 94 41 436 Zone total 1164165 2453249 1859 724840 1784014 2408 42338 68287 1560 Grand total 3554265 4418174 1269 2161497 5050539 2337 654772 1752537 2677 Name of Districts Gram Lentil Total Moong A P Y A P Y A P Y Zone-I Darbhanga 75 73 973 3745 2419 646 6883 4168 606 E.Champaran 130 126 969 8296 6604 796 1702 969 569 Gopalganj 43 42 977 177 140 791 1244 846 680 Madhubani 7 7 1000 7372 4526 614 8876 3863 435 Muzaffarpur 0 0 0 1694 1262 745 25595 16611 649 Samastipur 120 117 975 1675 945 564 10787 11622 1077 Saran 1129 1099 973 435 346 793 2733 1505 551 Sheohar 0 0 0 690 543 787 254 150 591 Sitamarhi 0 0 0 5623 4425 787 1406 2592 588 Siwan 171 166 971 212 168 792 1376 573 416 Vaishali 110 107 973 525 413 787 13333 6355 477 W.Champaran 115 112 974 16516 12998 787 386 256 663 Zone total 1900 1849 732 46960 34789 741 74575 49510 609 Zone-II Araria 552 601 1089 3350 1605 479 9303 7455 801 Begusarai 41 41 1000 900 832 924 823 556 676 Katihar 154 168 1091 1645 806 490 4062 2154 530 Khagaria 128 127 992 604 629 1041 1572 1074 683 Kishanganj 321 349 1087 1051 548 521 6198 5016 809 Madhepura 40 39 975 1082 704 651 15704 8461 539 Purnia 82 89 1085 2108 1450 688 8881 8645 973 Saharsa 0 0 0 931 573 615 18336 9040 493 Supaul 32 31 969 1474 893 606 22118 19824 896 Zone total 1350 1445 921 13145 8040 668 86997 62225 711 Zone-III A Banka 508 422 831 2638 1818 689 2165 1726 797 Bhagalpur 12198 9331 765 3170 2095 661 859 578 673 Jamui 1200 631 526 506 200 395 275 165 600 Lakhisarai 3194 3043 953 4986 5076 1018 0 0 0 Munger 860 1010 1174 804 754 938 224 134 598 Sheikhpura 1603 2129 1328 4163 3730 896 0 0 0 Zone total 19563 16566 930 16267 13673 766 3523 2603 445 Zone-III B Arwal 760 672 882 2794 2210 897 85 67 788 Aurangabad 6814 7325 6075 14082 10998 784 36 28 778 Bhojpur 4696 6654 1417 10082 9467 939 199 140 704 Buxar 2158 2443 1132 5587 6257 1120 59 39 661 Gaya 4433 4207 919 4611 2509 761 1190 851 715 Jahanabad 1854 1946 1049 4059 3731 897 83 59 711 Kaimur 7383 5364 718 4751 3587 755 55 32 582 Nalanda 5219 5751 1102 12370 7410 599 283 179 633 Nawada 2200 1709 777 2720 2043 751 1533 1066 695 Patna 6408 6863 1071 19753 17560 889 70 47 671 Rohtas 4043 4233 1047 5331 5683 1066 130 77 592 Zone total 45968 47167 1472 86140 71455 860 3723 2585 685 Grand total 68781 66932 973 162612 128956 793 171818 116923 681 Name of Districts Arhar Total Pulses Total Foodgrains A P Y A P Y A P Y Zone-I Darbhanga 354 347 980 12558 8056 642 181253 274339 1514 E.Champaran 1412 932 660 12880 9730 755 350906 423023 1206 Gopalganj 1345 1391 1034 3341 2929 877 182480 248442 1361 Madhubani 173 183 1058 19988 11163 558 294384 276665 940 Muzaffarpur 390 405 1038 29302 19653 671 310789 333099 1072 Samastipur 1807 1941 1074 16382 16138 985 181954 309038 1698 Saran 1176 955 812 6345 4674 737 214294 403925 1885 Sheohar 26 21 808 1195 908 760 42931 37840 881 Sitamarhi 610 487 798 14183 10559 724 191269 202755 1060 Siwan 1661 1668 914 4637 3550 766 236438 399436 1668 Vaishali 1108 986 890 15773 8402 533 151817 225524 1485 W.Champaran 8899 7101 798 28860 23111 801 301766 449752 1490 Zone total 18961 16417 905 165444 118873 734 2640281 3583838 1355 Zone-II Araria 335 384 1146 21933 16494 752 236561 238806 1009 Begusarai 1054 1378 1307 5954 5540 930 156301 226396 1448 Katihar 25 29 1160 11923 7960 668 198416 297398 1499 Khagaria 181 194 1072 7761 6606 851 125137 314574 2514 Kishanganj 65 74 1138 10081 7866 780 127391 113912 894 Madhepura 37 37 1000 20926 12472 596 189781 366592 1932 Purnia 121 139 1149 13712 12271 895 217084 325547 1500 Saharsa 2 2 1000 22805 12514 549 184558 311523 1688 Supaul 0 0 0 28500 24460 858 204763 308541 1507 Zone total 1820 2237 997 143595 106183 764 1639992 2503289 1555 Zone-III A Banka 1293 2276 1760 9998 9159 916 160303 376537 2349 Bhagalpur 747 1315 1760 29598 24042 812 151028 239003 1583 Jamui 354 132 373 3009 1751 582 65694 118954 1811 Lakhisarai 200 214 1070 11875 11745 989 83708 192585 2301 Munger 121 130 1074 3334 3222 952 60082 110842 1845 Sheikhpura 81 87 1074 10551 10887 1032 64337 106591 1657 Zone total 2796 4154 1185 68365 60806 881 585152 1144512 1924 Zone-III B Arwal 207 255 1100 6998 6065 867 52484 90555 1726 Aurangabad 1268 1349 1072 38167 35112 920 273373 578918 2118 Bhojpur 1747 1427 817 22623 26844 972 221762 523312 2360 Buxar 703 1002 1425 14316 15451 1079 191567 509538 2660 Gaya 2190 3011 1375 16628 14403 881 246606 526458 2136 Jahanabad 200 296 1475 11646 10208 877 94296 176817 1875 Kaimur 1362 1077 791 18586 13301 716 217640 454766 2090 Nalanda 402 654 1627 23905 21255 889 207655 301164 1450 Nawada 985 684 694 9706 7468 769 139128 290967 2091 Patna 198 134 677 44777 43695 976 206786 286213 1384 Rohtas 1469 2068 1408 17813 17506 983 325820 796089 2443 Zone total 10731 11957 1133 225165 211308 903 2177117 4534797 2030 Grand total 34298 34647 1010 607519 497170 818 7042441 11761436 1670 Name of Districts Mustard Total Oilseed Sugarcane A P Y A P Y A P Y Zone-I Darbhanga 2000 1492 746 2283 1776 778 659 11731 17801 E.Champaran 1635 453 277 2788 1594 509 6621 238612 36039 Gopalganj 2449 2574 1051 2478 2599 1049 23361 757369 32420 Madhubani 1195 1189 995 1995 1879 942 195 6981 35800 Muzaffarpur 3599 4502 1251 3910 4780 1223 1409 50480 35827 Samastipur 6061 7273 1200 6881 7948 1155 2278 37525 16473 Saran 2772 3069 1107 2841 3435 1103 312 9726 31170 Sheohar 241 183 759 485 388 800 1916 68645 35827 Sitamarhi 1055 1032 978 1571 1465 933 2413 86562 35873 Siwan 2092 2000 1004 2245 2233 995 3197 3969 32521 Vaishali 2584 1933 750 2634 2018 752 135 4837 35830 W.Champaran 16593 17029 1026 17880 18155 1017 55354 2117879 38261 Zone total 42276 42729 929 47991 48270 938 97850 3394316 31987 Zone-II Araria 3163 2363 747 8189 8473 1035 5 166 33200 Begusarai 4229 3557 841 4430 3809 850 1905 3568 1873 Katihar 5489 3737 690 7591 6572 866 189 7660 40529 Khagaria 2899 5224 1802 3870 6566 1697 0 0 0 Kishanganj 2060 1957 950 5197 4792 922 86 2852 33163 Madhepura 1822 1438 789 7366 8032 1090 655 21725 33168 Purnia 3397 3625 1067 8242 9678 1174 0 0 0 Saharsa 986 577 585 1877 1484 791 58 2144 36966 Supaul 1328 1309 986 8599 9657 1123 0 0 0 Zone total 25373 23787 940 55361 59063 1061 2898 38115 19878 Zone-III A Banka 1201 789 657 2126 1548 728 1464 64600 44126 Bhagalpur 1887 2564 1359 3094 3860 1248 2341 104478 44630 Jamui 299 33 144 393 167 425 671 27745 41349 Lakhisarai 799 1015 1270 824 1039 1257 0 0 0 Munger 267 194 727 556 450 809 9 378 42000 Sheikhpura 470 424 902 710 620 873 42 168 4000 Zone total 4923 5019 843 7703 7684 890 4527 197369 29351 Zone-III B Arwal 219 539 2111 517 794 1539 99 3607 36384 Aurangabad 967 827 855 6632 5326 848 279 9800 85126 Bhojpur 1513 2008 1327 2144 2530 1180 250 9194 36776 Buxar 1275 901 707 2393 1855 775 572 29684 51895 Gaya 1193 490 411 3332 2298 690 892 32297 36207 Jahanabad 265 265 1039 519 424 636 304 11058 36863 Kaimur 1381 971 703 3894 3113 799 320 9691 27159 Nalanda 1114 1171 1051 1506 1490 989 171 7247 42380 Nawada 915 535 585 2000 1395 698 139 5031 36194 Patna 2171 927 427 2399 1171 488 257 8524 33167 Rohtas 2603 1200 461 4320 2642 612 0 0 0 Zone total 13616 9834 880 29656 23038 841 3283 126133 38377 Grand total 86172 81574 947 140731 137861 980 108558 3854925 35510 Horticulture Bihar has the opportunity to have varied types of agro climatic conditions, congenial for growing almost all the horticultural crops. Horticulture is growing popularity owing to the high value of horticulture produces than agriculture crops. However, there needs to be a grater impetus in boosting the irrigation resources of the state and in promoting horticulture in intensive mode in the state. According to the old and existing data, a brief analysis is made on the status of Horticulture in the state which is furnished below: Fruit Crops The major fruit crops grown in Bihar are Mango, Guava, Litchi, Banana, etc. apart from these major crops minor crops like. Makhana, Pineapple, Betelvine are also grown. The area of fruit crops in Bihar during 2005-06 was 291.61 thousand hectares which was increased to 307.52 thousand hectares in 2008-09. Similarly the production was also increased from 3068.4 25 thousand metric tonnes in 2005-06 to 3853.88 thousand metric tonnes in 2008-09, the productivity of fruit crops has also increased significantly in 2008-09 (13.2) as compared to 2005-06 (11.2). Almost all the districts of North Bihar particularly Muzaffarpur, East Champaran and Samastipur have good potentiality in respect of litchi cultivation. Similarly Makhana, a pioneer fruit of Bihar is also grown intensively in the districts of Darbhanga, Madhubani, Saharsa, Katihar, Araria and Purnea. Vegetables Almost all vegetable crops like solanaceous, cucurbits, beans, cole crops, okra, onion and other root crops are widely grown successfully in the state. The total area of vegetable crops was recorded 498.529 thousand hectare with the production of 7654.435 thousand metric tonnes (2005-06) which increased to 519.12 thousand hectare with the production of 8329.625 thousand metric tonnes (2008-09). The area, production and productivity were increased to 4.13 percent, 8.8 percent and 4.5 percent, respectively, comparing with the base line 2005-06. It is worth while to mention that the productivity of vegetable crops in very much comparable with the national average (16.1 MT/ha) during 2007-08. Spices Chilli, Turmeric, Coriander, Ginger, Garlic & Methi are the major spices grown in Bihar. The total area of spices was recorded 11.10 thousand hectare in 2006-07 which increased to 12.75 thousand hectare in 2008-09. The productivity was also increased from 1.10 MT/ha to 1.174 MT/ha during the said period. Flowers The major commercial flowers like Marigold, Rose, Tuberose Gladiolus and Jasmine are cultivated in Bihar. Though, it is in infancy stage of development, however, the total area was increased significantly from 297.35 ha (2006-07) to 337-84 ha (2008-09). Aromatic Plants The aromatic plants like Japanese Mint, Lemongrass, Pamaroja, J. citronella have been promoted by Horticulture Mission for commercial cultivation among farmers. The present area of aromatic plants in the state is 2600 ha which was only 2100 ha during 2006-07. Area and Production The area and production of fruits, vegetables, spices, flowers and aromatic crops from the year, 2005-06 to 2008-09 is given in table 8. Table 8: Area and Production of horticultural crops over the year. Area – '000ha, Production – '000MT. Sl. No. Particulars 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Area Prodn. Area Prodn. Area Prodn. Area Prodn. 1. Fruits 276.44 3068.42 279.41 3426.48 286.24 3252.37 291.50 3853.88 2. Vegetables 498.52 7656.43 501.31 7866.62 508.24 8048.09 519.12 8329.02 3. Spices NA NA 11.10 12.30 12.25 14.10 12.75 14.98 4. Flowers NA NA 0.297 NA 0.325 NA 0.337 NA 5. Aromatic Plants NA NA 2.10 NA 2.45 NA 2.60 NA The zone wise area and production of major fruits and vegetables is given in table 9 (A & B) and 10 (A & B). Zone I is hub of horticultural crops, more than 50 per cent of total fruit area of the state falls in this zone. The belt of River Gandak which is best suited for litchi cultivation is flow in this zone and about 80 per cent of total litchi grown in this part of the state. The area under mango and banana is about 56 and 57 per cent respectively in Zone-I. Pineapple is grown only in Zone-II. Similarly, Zone I grows about 40 per cent of total vegetable of the state. Area under important vegetables viz., tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, brinjal, okra etc, is more than 40 per cent in this zone. Out of total acreage of potato, about 39 and 31 per cent area in Zone I and Zone III B respectively, while 65 per cent of onion grown in these two zones. Table 9 A: Zone wise area under Major fruit crop during 2008-09 (In Ha) Name of District Mango Guava Litchi Lemon Banana Pine apple Papaya Aonla Others Total Darbhanga 12896 608 818 747 1751 46 28 1205 18099 E Champaran 9144 1642 1827 1603 897 35 46 1074 16268 Gopalganj 2947 584 1189 428 659 27 27 909 6770 Madhubani 5994 492 804 653 1022 33 24 1199 10221 Muzaffarpur 9652 1396 7229 666 4981 67 83 1134 25208 Samastipur 10436 606 1198 749 2008 91 86 1064 16238 Saran 5018 811 1068 542 735 29 36 1259 9498 Sheohar 2579 317 978 154 271 18 24 436 4777 Sitamarhi 5198 728 2136 289 617 28 38 697 9731 Siwan 2420 672 1097 531 702 31 29 1236 6718 Vaishali 8238 1289 3546 604 3168 102 70 1032 18049 W Champaran 7138 1594 1998 1615 932 46 58 1188 14569 Zone I total 81660 10739 23888 8581 17743 553 549 12433 156146 Araria 626 194 398 272 426 261 37 33 481 2728 Begusarai 4011 508 598 404 923 72 68 999 7583 Katihar 2736 444 1486 307 966 205 58 44 1036 7282 Khagaria 1629 372 323 235 828 26 17 634 4064 Kishanganj 741 231 403 270 633 1749 41 29 782 4879 Madhepura 1923 628 278 494 1288 379 47 36 715 5788 Purnea 2409 375 1249 417 942 1631 57 61 908 8049 Saharsa 2481 649 537 602 1086 468 51 37 861 6772 Supaul 1207 433 188 282 593 16 15 383 3117 Zone II total 17763 3834 5460 3283 7685 4693 405 340 6799 50262 Banka 6198 309 56 469 648 16 18 584 8298 Bhagalpur 7329 687 504 937 1126 61 38 1003 11685 Jamui 1028 221 171 185 214 13 20 438 2290 Lakhisarai 531 134 49 75 141 19 15 155 1119 Munger 1194 268 242 202 412 38 21 385 2762 Sheikhpura 798 137 96 85 134 15 12 211 1488 Zone III A total 17078 1756 1118 1953 2675 162 124 2776 27642 Arwal 284 226 132 110 18 16 299 1085 Aurangabad 1225 667 484 318 33 26 846 3599 Bhojpur 4532 1872 416 314 26 35 952 8147 Buxar 3319 1488 315 218 23 34 534 5931 Gaya 1262 651 376 226 23 39 965 3542 Jehanabad 289 248 184 156 22 18 424 1341 Kaimur 3305 1357 262 210 21 54 435 5644 Nalanda 2790 1459 403 442 29 24 1215 6362 Nawada 1094 506 431 308 32 18 842 3231 Patna 3834 1078 566 588 58 25 1456 7605 Rohtas 5639 3204 355 281 24 81 586 10170 Zone III B total 27573 12756 3924 3171 309 370 8554 56657 Grand Total 144074 29085 30466 17741 31274 4693 1429 1383 30562 290707 Table 9 B: Zone wise production of Major fruit crop during 2008-09 (In M.T.) Name of District Mango Guava Litchi Lemon Banana Pine apple Papaya Aonla Others Total Darbhnaga 114025 4980 5768 5577 74362 1098 260 11156 217226 E Champaran 85579 1676 13169 11923 41203 840 437 9950 164777 Gopalganj 27139 4856 8085 2982 28193 621 232 8160 80268 Madhubani 54486 4296 5749 4863 44373 792 226 11220 126005 Muzaffarpur 90304 11528 54322 4962 219284 1692 806 10616 393514 Samastipur 98638 5450 9064 5742 92488 2356 851 9858 224447 Saran 44157 6524 2476 3802 31211 638 299 11653 100760 Sheohar 22937 2769 6748 1024 11665 396 202 3950 49691 Sitamarhi 45723 5747 15345 1981 26528 644 362 6552 102882 Siwan 22038 5467 7679 3723 29885 682 238 11441 81153 Vaishali 77977 11316 26916 4502 145863 2880 745 9783 279982 W Champaran 67637 13431 14945 12497 43272 1156 568 11118 164624 Zone I total 750640 78040 170266 63578 788327 13795 5226 115457 1985329 Araria 6049 1873 2746 1912 17927 6238 829 290 4255 42119 Begusarai 37441 4554 4266 2970 41840 1867 677 8961 102576 Katihar 25164 3868 10808 2172 42817 4858 1334 396 9187 100604 Khagaria 15364 3262 2318 1639 37214 546 151 5649 66143 Kishanganj 7135 2116 2781 1871 26706 46022 927 249 6561 94368 Madhepura 17807 5070 1946 3506 57307 9399 1081 346 6576 103038 Purnea 22221 3285 8828 2986 39684 41220 1474 549 7878 128125 Saharsha 22621 5357 3719 4295 47469 11747 1198 327 7733 104466 Supaul 11122 3564 1316 1930 25619 336 138 3517 47542 Zone II total 164924 32949 38728 23281 336583 119484 9592 3123 60317 788981 Banka 56919 2708 358 3276 26234 304 157 5092 95048 Bhagalpur 68700 5993 3691 7021 48538 1342 371 9397 145053 Jamui 9792 1995 1157 1251 8637 208 168 3836 27044 Lakhisarai 5173 1378 338 448 6127 399 142 1496 15501 Munger 11524 2396 1727 1415 18001 896 191 3535 39685 Sheikhpura 7363 1374 653 495 5426 315 98 1948 17672 Zone III A total 159471 15844 7924 13906 112963 3464 1127 25304 340003 Arwal 2999 2145 850 4784 414 161 2791 14144 Aurangabad 11565 5363 3288 12776 709 244 7684 41629 Bhojpur 40422 14962 2978 13434 589 294 8638 81317 Buxar 29375 11668 2199 9363 501 278 4769 58153 Gaya 11898 5438 2607 9250 483 363 9045 39084 Jehanabad 3014 2244 1206 6703 451 146 3886 17650 Kaimur 28923 10402 1682 8184 441 482 3637 53751 Nalanda 26429 11156 2882 20187 689 218 11005 72566 Nawada 9908 4003 3046 12933 730 153 7732 38505 Patna 37252 8984 4202 26932 1296 225 13611 92502 Rohtas 52983 25992 2385 11135 456 794 5461 99206 Zone III B total 254768 102357 27325 135681 6759 3358 78259 608507 Grand total 1329803 229190 216918 128090 1373554 119484 33610 12834 279337 3722820 Table 10 A: Zone wise area under Major vegetable crop during 2008-09 (In Ha) Name of Districts Potato Onion Tomato Cauli flower Cab bage Brinjal Okra Chilli Bottle gourd Total Darbhanga 7526 1076 1469 1584 1639 2422 1688 1376 1059 26172 E.Champaran 11366 2343 1758 1998 1561 1618 2654 1136 1378 31115 Gopalganj 11789 852 1474 1844 1041 1382 2189 1011 1126 25658 Madhubani 9996 1082 1254 2548 1443 1978 1558 1197 563 26151 Muzaffarpur 11603 2491 3544 3724 2728 2813 2668 1822 1709 40205 Samastipur 11763 1184 1736 2881 1768 2199 1736 1439 1058 31541 Saran 13126 924 1569 2044 992 1783 1999 1147 951 28324 Sheohar 4103 688 531 814 647 642 598 439 552 10754 Sitamarhi 6608 1293 1478 1292 953 1214 1084 726 1078 18785 Siwan 9894 861 1334 1561 863 1568 2004 1039 813 22729 Vaishali 12654 1689 3799 4872 2416 3054 3471 1646 1654 43360 W.Champaran 11904 2276 1957 2841 1564 1954 2652 1439 1497 33624 Zone I total 122332 16759 21903 28003 17615 22627 24301 14417 13438 338418 Araria 4362 1476 721 814 548 627 811 472 396 12595 Begusarai 7622 1935 1843 1819 1052 2653 2267 1408 994 26705 Katihar 7115 3778 1399 2823 1823 1754 1732 1881 1319 30742 Khagaria 5315 756 1081 1209 686 1403 1529 964 522 16411 Kishanganj 5809 1356 822 842 563 561 827 572 468 14229 Madhepura 6859 942 1147 1744 1483 1569 1098 693 846 21440 Purnea 6645 1751 904 1917 1103 1104 1248 1388 987 22682 Saharsha 7378 601 1155 1717 944 1311 1158 737 1104 21255 Supaul 5802 348 504 634 448 609 751 376 237 12101 Zone II total 56907 12943 9576 13519 8650 11591 11421 8491 6873 178160 Banka 6249 718 599 682 419 812 912 514 403 12811 Bhagalpur 8127 1573 1619 1492 1184 1596 2087 948 1137 24336 Jamui 3315 732 393 402 381 578 696 862 336 8920 Lakhisarai 3004 299 222 239 227 183 333 378 283 6288 Munger 6897 966 668 714 532 718 1048 1109 534 15835 Sheikhpura 5368 1019 221 204 194 292 308 663 251 9247 Zone III A total 32960 5307 3722 3733 2937 4179 5384 4474 2944 77437 Arwal 2767 397 422 409 342 424 457 294 436 7005 Aurangabad 5722 1069 1536 1311 716 1099 1776 691 639 16743 Bhojpur 8218 1162 1038 1091 727 1074 1554 637 694 18908 Buxar 4908 869 737 662 487 676 1059 461 666 12375 Gaya 10324 1414 896 1897 918 1642 1771 1394 1094 24944 Jehanabad 3516 496 741 511 383 638 568 376 457 8841 Kaimur 4085 849 572 717 416 684 845 393 386 10247 Nalanda 26864 5802 1869 3042 1722 6471 2843 3791 873 58995 Nawada 5511 938 743 1272 721 1202 1863 828 714 15867 Patna 15886 2454 1828 3627 2108 1842 2937 2564 926 39499 Rohtas 10332 1155 803 1178 592 968 1397 612 478 19433 Zone III B total 98133 16605 11185 15717 9132 16720 17070 12041 7363 232857 Grand total 310332 51614 46386 60972 38334 55117 58176 39423 30618 826872 Table 10 B: Zone wise production of Major vegetable crop during 2008-09 (In M.T.) Name of Districts Potato Onion Tomato Cauli flower Cab bage Brinjal Okra Chilli Bottle gourd Total Darbhanga 118468 19076 32314 26834 28076 51333 21251 14018 22145 410135 E.Champaran 185576 43288 41076 34554 28295 35582 34484 13567 28886 511792 Gopalganj 190113 15640 32423 31859 18519 30184 27563 11739 23532 417905 Madhubani 159246 19725 28630 43924 24993 43196 19924 13815 11259 420705 Muzaffarpur 190599 47037 83220 65504 50080 61513 34933 22301 35771 680792 Samastipur 193823 21967 41260 50871 31532 50168 23418 18127 22230 532381 Saran 207701 16710 33553 34746 17543 37914 25569 13243 19624 452484 Sheohar 66779 12161 12184 13101 11143 13183 7038 4537 10160 170867 Sitamarhi 107360 23629 33693 21295 16658 26693 13424 7839 20059 309033 Siwan 157625 15723 29104 26750 15246 34026 25834 12176 16972 368036 Vaishali 212897 32475 90706 89234 44823 68881 47188 20283 34627 743171 W.Champaran 196726 42497 46084 50159 28663 43459 34988 17552 31661 563235 Zone I total 1986913 309928 504247 488831 315571 496132 315614 169197 276926 5580536 Araria 68357 25390 14133 13101 8982 12635 9957 4900 7669 192246 Begusarai 124386 35699 42328 31603 18505 59389 30360 17167 20502 445848 Katihar 116285 68468 31907 48427 31241 38357 23018 21151 27395 489689 Khagaria 83756 13467 24288 20505 11753 30636 18942 9926 10821 259348 Kishanganj 91511 23574 16237 13735 9343 1579 10237 6057 9116 208852 Madhepura 108674 16463 23918 28880 24503 32165 13355 7054 17144 328133 Purnea 106630 31576 19455 31795 18637 22993 15707 15809 20552 352700 Saharsha 118358 10706 26162 29121 15933 28002 15036 7962 22746 332118 Supaul 90821 5833 10521 9987 7232 12407 8994 3618 4917 180478 Zone II total 908778 231176 208949 227154 146129 238163 145606 93644 140862 2789412 Banka 99044 12345 12510 10910 7008 15737 10561 5259 7599 197877 Bhagalpur 133593 28809 36879 25401 21197 34785 26487 11084 23191 396951 Jamui 51361 12445 7836 6182 6286 11222 8125 8500 6373 131794 Lakhisarai 49275 5210 5263 3700 3835 4424 4178 4017 6054 97219 Munger 110662 17289 15654 12013 9248 16123 13396 13460 10797 250187 Sheikhpura 89419 19273 4843 2894 3241 5844 3678 7200 4792 149065 Zone III A total 533354 95371 82985 61100 50815 88135 66425 49520 58806 1223093 Arwal 45135 7172 9743 6542 5973 9799 5831 3118 9031 114811 Aurangabad 89001 18522 29474 20827 12343 21682 21649 7447 12748 259603 Bhojpur 134263 21786 24164 19009 13407 24314 20495 7479 14659 310317 Buxar 79820 16045 17094 11240 8846 15343 13537 5240 13810 201881 Gaya 163429 24029 17493 30700 15114 33968 20880 14763 20135 379489 Jehanabad 56918 8934 16592 8174 6626 13997 7138 3994 9181 144993 Kaimur 62811 13462 10815 11061 6624 12509 9277 3874 7172 151638 Nalanda 457598 118069 43651 54953 33292 148010 38931 46716 18557 1030655 Nawada 86282 16404 14630 20704 12286 24030 21965 8816 14504 243172 Patna 267795 46825 41968 64875 40359 42141 40513 30476 19855 661958 Rohtas 161489 18881 15386 18673 9594 17895 15628 6318 8971 294190 Zone IIIB total 1604541 310129 241010 266758 164464 363688 215844 138241 148623 3792707 Grand Total 5033586 946604 1037191 1043843 676979 1186118 743489 450602 625217 13385748 Livestock Population The state farming system is characterized by large number of livestock. In the present era of fast rising population and progressive decrease in holding size, Animal Husbandry has a special role to play for economic sustainability of the majority of the people. Livestock plays a subsidiary role in the farm as far as food production is concerned, though their role in absorbing the huge quantities of crop residues, coarse grains, cereals by-products and farm left-over and returning valuable manure to the soil to sustain their fertility for generations is significant. Livestock in general and dairying in particular is emerging as a driving force in the growth of agricultural sector in Bihar. The zone wise Livestock wealth of the state (table 11) shows that the population of indigenous cattle is about 57.40 per cent of the total bovine, wherein cross bred cattle and buffalo shares nearly 7.74 and 34.87 per cent respectively. This indicates that the majority of population prefers the indigenous cattle. As regards poultry, apart from backyard poultry production by the small farmer, commercial poultry has not yet taken off. Table 11: Zone wise Livestock population Particulars Zone-I Zone-II Zone-III State total Cross bred cattle 539573 281134 453545 1274252 Desi Cattle 2826252 2719420 3909193 9454865 Total cattle 3365825 3000554 4362738 10729117 Buffalo 2130182 1076687 2536178 5743047 Bovine 5496007 4077241 6898916 16472164 Goats 3323600 2915198 3251032 9489830 Sheep 94759 16168 271309 382236 Pigs 125038 98739 448604 672381 Poultry 4096458 5085370 4729951 13911379 (Source: Livestock census 2003) Dairy Milk is the most important livestock product at 50 percent of total livestock output. Milk sector contributed around 70% of the total livestock sector. Bihar’s livestock wealth is around 5.6 percent of total national livestock population. In 2005-06, total production of milk was estimated to be 5060 thousand tons, which amounted to 5.2% of the national milk production and the State ranked tenth in the country despite the fact that it is endowed with good natural resources like water and very fertile Gangetic alluvial land, implying low productivity of animals. Per capita availability of milk in Bihar during 2005-06 was 1541 gms per day against a national average of 241 gms per day. The Indian Council of Medical Research has recommended the minimum requirement of 2202 Fisheries Development gms of milk per person per day indicating a shortage of around 66 gms per capita. Of the total milk production (138.0 lakh kgs per day as per 2005-06 estimates), the cooperative sector handled around 8% of the marketable surplus available. Rest of it was traded mainly by the un-organised sector. But huge potential exists in this sector, which is yet to be exploited. The compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of milk handled by the cooperative sector is around 13%. The State has vast resources for Fisheries Development. It includes about 69,000 hectare ponds and tanks, 9,000 ha ox-bow lakes, 7,200 ha reservoirs, 3,200 Km rivers and about 1,00,000 ha reverine, flood wetlands and water logged area. Fisheries sector in Bihar has made a great strides during the last decades with the production level increasing from 1.95 lakh tones in 1994-95 to 2.67 lakh tones in 2004-05 registering an average annual increase of 3.26 per cent. The production increases to 3.06 lakh tones in 2008-09. The annual fish demand of the State is nearly 4.56 lakh tones. 1 Annual Report of Dept. of AH & Dairying, Min. of Agriculture for 2005-06, GOI; pp 8,28 2 Dairy India 2007, Sixth edition, pp 27
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