18 Dec 2019

Bhagavad Gita in 18 Tweets

Bhagavad Gita in 18 Tweets:

1. How can you lose heart in this hour of crisis? This is disgraceful! Don't be a coward, Arjuna! Arise, awake, and abandon your timidity!
2. Focus on work at hand, not on results; but don't be slothful. Work effortfully and work selflessly. Be content. Share your rewards with the world.
3. Five factors govern the outcome of all actions: the situation, the individual, the tools he has, how he uses the tools, and unknown forces.
4. Sensory pleasures are short-lived and when they disappear, they cause sorrow. The wise do not rejoice in such pleasures for they are impermanent. Go beyond them.
5. Nothing is as pure as knowing and knowledge in this world. Knowledge is higher than all rituals. All activities find fulfilment only in knowing.
6. Work in tune with your inherent guide and nature. Don't imitate others, not even gurus. You find fulfilment when you do what you love and offer it to the supreme.
7. One will advance only by one's own efforts; one should not degrade oneself; for the self alone is one's true friend or enemy.
8. Whenever and wherever the unsteady, restless thoughts stray away, then and there, pull back and simply observe them with no identification to them.
9. The wise ones work hard, harbour no bias, expect nothing, respect everyone, and are disciplined. They neither reject nor crave.
10. Renounce lust, anger, and greed - the three gates to hell that degrade the self. Let the words of the wise be your guide.
11. Yoga destroys sorrows for one who is moderate in eating, sleeping, and waking; works in a disciplined manner; and enjoys moments of leisure.
12. One who strives for the truth never ends up in misery; whether here or there, one never perishes.
13. Even if an evil man begins to inquire of the supreme with devotion, he is noble because he has taken the right action.
14. The supreme does not command actions of people. Problems of the world are created by people. Human problems are a result of human thought and actions.
15. I happily accept whatever one offers me - a leaf, a flower, a fruit or just water - with love, devotion, and a pure heart.
16. One who sees me everywhere and sees everything in me, I am never lost to this one nor is this one ever lost to me.
17. The universe has sprung from a mere flare of my radiance. Give up all forms of dharma, take refuge in me. I will liberate you from all errors of thought!
18. Thus, I have taught you the wisdom that is the greatest of all secrets. Reflect deeply on these teachings and then do as you please.

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